About this plugin:
Is there a way to make it redirect the user to ONLY! a particular “PROFILE FIELD GROUP” ? … Or Perhaps maybe there should be a “profile field group” selector ..incase the admin wants ONLY a specific “profile field group” completed
Hi ,
Thank you for the suggestion. At the moment, we are unable to add this. We do not feel it will add much value to the plugin in normal cases. It can be a lot confusing instead.If you need custom code for redirection, Please do let me know.
BrajeshYes please, I need a custom code for redirection… Because its just showing the user the first part of the profile fields.. “which have ALREADY been completed.. I need to redirect them to the part that has’nt been completed
Please download the latest version of plugin from github repo. You can download from the following url:
and use the following code in your bp-custom.php file.
add_filter( 'buddypress_profile_completion_redirect', function( $redirect_url, $has_fields, $has_photo, $has_cover ) { if ( ! $has_fields ) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $group_id = buddydev_get_first_empty_required_group_id( $user_id ); $redirect_url = bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id ) . bp_get_profile_slug() . '/edit/group/' . $group_id; } return $redirect_url; }, 10, 4 ); function buddydev_get_first_empty_required_group_id( $user_id ) { global $wpdb; $table = buddypress()->profile->table_name_data; $required_fields = BP_Profile_Completion\Core\BP_Profile_Completion_Helper::get_required_field_details(); // No required field, so profile should be considered complete. if ( empty( $required_fields ) ) { return null; } $required_field_ids = wp_list_pluck( $required_fields, 'id' ); $fields_list = '(' . join( ',', $required_field_ids ) . ')'; $query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT field_id, value FROM {$table} WHERE user_id = %d AND field_id IN {$fields_list}", $user_id ); $profile_entries = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); $fields = array(); foreach ( $profile_entries as $profile_entry ) { $value = maybe_unserialize( $profile_entry->value ); if ( empty( $value ) ) { continue; } $fields[ $profile_entry->field_id ] = $profile_entry->value; } $not_found_groups = array(); foreach ( $required_fields as $required_field ) { if ( isset( $fields[ $required_field->id ] ) ) { continue; } $not_found_groups[] = $required_field->group_id; } $grp_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'bp_xprofile_groups'; // Now, query, order by soredr $grplist = '(' . join( ',', $not_found_groups ) . ')'; return $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT id FROM {$grp_table} WHERE id IN {$grplist} ORDER BY group_order ASC limit 0, 1" ); }
Thank You
RaviOk thank you ravi..ild give you feedback as soon as i try it out
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