

Mass Messaging plugin creation

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 31
    Dale Reardon on #9999

    Hi all,

    As far as I can find there are 2 mass messaging plugins in the WP repository for BuddyPress. Both are having problems sending a PM to all my 1700 members even though I am on quality hosting.

    I am also likely to be getting thousands more members soon with an organization coming on board and I need a good solution to PM all members and sub groups.

    Can BuddyDev look at enhancing one of these open source mass messaging plugins to work more efficiently at scale or creating your own solution?

    If you don’t want to do for all Club members then can you contact me to discuss costs of doing the work just for us. I have tried filling out your contact form but haven’t received a reply so must be email problems.

    My Twitter is dalereardon or Skype dale.reardon to get in touch.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #10001

    Hi Dale,
    Thank you.

    The best solution for this case will be a custom one using a proper job/message queue like(beanstalkd/RabbitMQ).
    If you are running on a VPS or dedicated, This will be a way better setup than the general one.

    I am not sure of many of our members will get any benefit out of it. We do not intend to develop a plugin that uses wp cron as it won’t be efficient for the larger sites. If you are interested, will be glad to do it as a custom job.

    About your message via contact form, Yes, we had received the message around 1-2 months ago and I had sent you a reply(delayed reply) but never heard back.

    You already have my email, please get in touch.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 31
    Dale Reardon on #10007

    Have sent you a reply as need to get a solution.

    I am currently hosted on Kinsta.

    Let me know if email doesn’t arrive to you.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #10018

    Hi Dale,
    Thank you.

    Have received your email. Will continue the discussion there.

    Thank you

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