Tagged: mediapress buddypress
Installed your Media Press plugin on buddypress and have gotten to grips with (some of) it. We’re evaluating a few and yours seems to be the most resilient fro reading online (and happy to pay if it turns out we use it). But when we go to output a users gallery or media on their profile via widget/ shortcode we’re getting no results. I can use the uploader and upload it but not getting any output from the view. I can see the content in the backend but just it refuses to output whatever settings I throw at the widget/ MediaPress.I’ve pasted the troubleshooting output below and I’m hoping you can point me in the right direction.
Colin// Generated by the MediaPress Debug tool //
Multisite: No
SITE_URL: http://wbuild.nebula.ie
HOME_URL: http://wbuild.nebula.ieWordPress Version: 5.1.1
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/Active Theme: Listingpro Child 1.0.0
Parent Theme: Listingpro Child 1.0.0Registered Post Stati: publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit, request-pending, request-confirmed, request-failed, request-completed, acf-disabled, expired, reported
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Browser Name: Chrome
Browser Version: 74.0.3729.157
Browser User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.157 Safari/537.36
Platform: Apple
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Web Server Info: ApacheWordPress Memory Limit: 40M
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Table Prefix: wpdz_Show On Front: page
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FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
cURL: Your server supports cURL.
SOAP Client: Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
SUHOSIN: Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.ACTIVE PLUGINS:
Advanced Custom Fields: 5.8.0
BP Profile Search: 5.0.5
BP Profile Shortcodes Extra: 2.5.2
BuddyPress: 4.3.0
BuddyPress Extended User Groups Widget: 1.0.3
BuddyPress Member Type Generator: 1.0.6
BuddyPress Notifications Widget: 1.3.1
BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types: 1.0.8
BuddyPress Xprofile Member Type Field: 1.0.6
Classic Editor: 1.5
Gravity Forms:
Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On: 4.1
Insert Headers and Footers: 1.4.3
Jetpack by WordPress.com: 7.3.1
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ListingPro Plugin: 2.0.9
ListingPro Reviews: 1.0.1
MediaPress: 1.4.4
MediaPress Featured Content: 1.0.2
Menu Image: 2.9.1
Nextend Social Login: 3.0.19
Redux Framework: 3.6.15
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Simple Local Avatars: 2.1.1
SVG Support: 2.3.15
WP Add Mime Types: 2.2.1
WPBakery Page Builder: 5.5.5
WPForms Lite:
WPT Custom Mo File: 1.1.0// MediaPress Settings //
active_components: sitewide,members,groups
default_status: loggedin
active_statuses: public,private,loggedin,friendsonly,groupsonly
active_types: photo,video
extensions: jpeg,jpg,gif,png,mp4,flv,mpeg,mp3,wmv,midi,zip,gz,doc,pdf,docx,xls
size_thumbnail: 200,200,1
size_mid: 350,350,1
size_large: 600,600
single_media_size: large
lightbox_media_size: large
mpp_upload_space: 10
mpp_upload_space_groups: 10
show_upload_quota: 0
show_max_upload_file_size: 1
default_storage: local
enable_remote: 1
enable_remote_file: 0
download_remote_file: 0
enable_oembed: 1
enable_debug: 0
enable_gallery_archive: 0
gallery_archive_slug: site-galleries
gallery_permalink_slug: site-gallery
sitewide_active_types: photo,video
sitewide_photo_gallery_default_view: default
sitewide_video_gallery_default_view: default
has_gallery_directory: 1
activity_upload: 1
activity_disable_auto_file_browser: 0
autopublish_activities: create_gallery,add_media
activity_photo_default_view: default
activity_video_default_view: default
show_orphaned_media: 0
delete_orphaned_media: 0
activity_media_display_limit: 6
members_active_types: photo,video
members_enable_type_filters: 1
members_photo_gallery_default_view: default
members_video_gallery_default_view: default
groups_active_types: photo,video
groups_photo_gallery_default_view: default
groups_video_gallery_default_view: default
enable_group_galleries_default: yes
contributors_can_edit: 1
contributors_can_delete: 1
groups_enable_my_galleries: 1
galleries_per_page: 12
media_per_page: 20
media_columns: 4
gallery_columns: 4
show_gallery_description: 0
show_media_description: 0
enable_audio_playlist: 1
enable_video_playlist: 1
gdoc_viewer_enabled: 1
enable_media_comment: 1
enable_gallery_comment: 1
load_lightbox: 1
lightbox_media_only: 0
enable_activity_lightbox: 1
enable_gallery_lightbox: 1
enable_lightbox_in_gallery_media_list: 1
mppftc_enabled_for: media,gallery
mppftc_enabled_components: members,groups
mppftc_enabled_types: photo,video
mppftc_button_ui_places: single_media
mppftc_show_in_user_header: media_list
mppftc_show_in_group_header: media_list
mppftc_show_header_media_in_lightbox: 1
mppftc_header_item_limit:// End of MediaPress Settings //
Hi Colin,
Thank you for giving a chance to MediaPress.1. You do not need to use shortcode/widget to show the galleries/media.
Please login as a user and create a gallery and upload some media. It will be available form that profile(Gallery tab). You may use widget/shortcode(make sure you configure them to show all media or context based media).
Please try and let me know.
PS:- For BuddyPress user/group gallery, you do not need gallery creation/upload shortcode. You only need that for sitewide gallery.
BrajeshGreat thanks for the guidance, it’s starting to make even more sense. I’ve not got a user gallery auto creating with a new user (from another answer you gave on the forum) and I can get it to display in the widgets per your suggestion above it seems all good. However I can only show the gallery not the recent uploads to it. Maybe it would be easier just to say what I want it to accomplish and if you point me in the right direction I can work it from there:
We have a user profile view that loads all the buddypress content into separate tabs by category including one for photos but on the right hand sidebar we want to output a wall of photos uploaded by the displayed user. We want the user to be able on their profile to manage their photos and upload more. I’ll post a private link to the page I mean after this post.
Hi Colin,
Thank you.You can either use the media widget or the mpp-list-media shortcode for the same
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