

[Resolved] Mediapress file upload size limit

  • Participant
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    Tosin on #14654

    Hello Brajesh,

    How can I set a different file upload size limit for mediapress please note that i’m not referring to storage quota but file size limit on media item being uploaded e.g file upload limit is 1.5MB and if user uploads a image, video, music or document of 2MB, the file should not be accepted with an error message.

    Features should include abitlity to set different file upload limit for different media files e.g

    1. image upload limit is 1MB
    2. music upload limit is 5MB
    3. video upload limit is 10MB
    4. document upload limit is 500KB

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #14655

    Hi Tosin,
    At the moment MediaPress does not set any limit. The limit is set by WordPress on the size of the file(based on site admin preference or server settings).

    The best way to change it dynamically will be to filter on



  • Participant
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    spikketto on #26551

    How can I limit the size of the images that the user can insert in his gallery? I have already managed to limit the size for avatars and cover but I have to do the same for the galleries otherwise my users can insert files too big (25MB)

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #26553

    We do not control the size. It is Controlled by WordPress(we use the core funtionality for upload).

    You can limit that using
    https://wordpress.org/plugins/upload-max-file-size/ or similar plugins.


  • Participant
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    spikketto on #26564

    I tried the plugin but the problem does not change. My server is set at 25 MB and I don’t need to increase the file size but to decrease it. If my users start to insert 10MB images, I believe that in a few months I would have big space problems as well as a burden on the site.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #26565

    If that does not suite the use case(there are other similar plugins on wp.org repo).
    You can also use the php.ini to decrease the upload limit on the server.

    If you have cpanel, you can do it from the php config there or you can ask the hosting support to do it for you.


  • Participant
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    spikketto on #26621

    Hi, I solved my problem by adding this piece of code to the function.php file

    // Limit upload size
    add_filter (‘upload_size_limit’, ‘filter_site_upload_size_limit’);

    function filter_site_upload_size_limit ($ size) {
         // Set the upload size limit to 60 MB for users lacking the ‘manage_options’ capability.
         if (! current_user_can (‘manage_options’)) {
             // 60 MB.

             $ size = 500 * 1024;


         return $ size;

    add_filter (‘upload_size_limit’, ‘filter_site_upload_size_limit’, 20);

    Now I’m trying to understand if this procedure can also be performed on the type of file example: max size jpg 500 kb – max size mp4 – 2MB etc etc.

  • Participant
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    spikketto on #26622

    Last night I made some tests and noticed that the plugin offers the possibility of uploading images, videos, audio and docs, but I don’t think I have seen the possibility of inserting a link on youtube for example, and see the preview.

    I tried a “buddypress-activity-plus” plugin that performs this function but unfortunately, unlike your plugin, it doesn’t see that part of the code that I pasted it on and that limits users to publish images that are too big

    Can you tell me how I can solve the problem?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #26624

    Thank you.

    I am glad you resolved it.

    I have replied to your post about the add from url here



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