Tagged: mediapress, user photos
Our server still has all the images from our user galleries, but they don’t show up on the front end. We can not figure out what happens to our user galleries. They just disappear on the front end like they were never made.
Hi Mike,
I am sorry to hear about the issue.Is there any chance you used some kind of database cleanup tool recently? It seems to me that the needed post meta has been removed and that’s causing the issue.
If not, has there been any change recently on the server like installing/upgrading a plugin?
Please let me know and I will assist.
BrajeshThe database cleanup tool is a definite possibility. We have had many server issues and we are currently switching to WP-engine. It would not surprise me to learn someone did something like that in an effort to fix other issues.
I would love to fix it so we can post new images, if not retrieve the old images as well. Any help you can provide on this subject would be absolutely fantastic.
We are migrating from Kinsta to WP-Engine currently, but this issue has been around for a while.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for the details.I need a little bit more details to assist you.
Are you using MediaPress for Group and sitewide gallery too or just the user gallery?
If it is being used for group and sitewide gallery, I won’t be able to re-associate as we need the meta data to know which groups they were part of.Also, Please grant me temporary access to database(phpmyadmin if using that) and the WordPress dashboard to fix it.
BrajeshWell, I think we are using it for groups, but I’m not sure. I don’t recall people making too many galleries in the groups. My main concern is just making it so users can add images/galleries and not having the new ones disappear too.
I hate to lose anything, but it’s growing pains at this point. Most of the people that made galleries have been really cool about the whole thing. I’ll email you an admin login. Thank you as always for your help!
Hi Mike,
I am marking it resolved as the issue was resolved on your server.Regards
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