

[Resolved] Mediapress link

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 130
    giuseppe on #44533


    I’d like to have a posting system similar to facebook. This means that a user should be able to paste a link, a preview appears, the user can cancel it and write his text.

    This is not doable with the Buddypress system as, pasting the link, you can use a plugin to preview the content but you cannot delete the test of the link itself, but only add a comment after it. Because news links are usually very long the result is not much visible and a bit confusing when you watch te post.

    I have tried to use the activity plugin that permits to upload the link showing a preview and having the main field free to comment the link. It’s needed to push a submit button so having a one step more compared to facebook but it works (even if most links are not published correctly). Unfortunately this plugin has an issue regarding translation.

    The very best would be using Mediapress (with its rich and interesting add ons counting views and putting rating), so my question is:
    is there a way to use Mediapress adding link and with the possibility to add comments removing the link from the main field?

    This would be perfect.

    Many thanks as usual,


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 130
    giuseppe on #44675

    Thanks for the update into the website,


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #44697

    Thank you.
    I am sorry, we did not assist here.


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