Hi Brajesh,
I have MediaPress supplying group galleries for photos only and lightbox turned off.
This just gives me a single photo with previous and next links underneath.
The links butt up against each other and I want the next link to be on the right of the page instead. Can’t do it for the life of me. The best I’ve come up with is to add 8 spaces before the next link.
Seems the code is in one of two places:
In core/media/mpp-media-template-tags.php:
* Print next media link.
* @param string $format how to format link.
* @param string $link Link.
* @param int|null $media_id current media id.
function mpp_next_media_link( $format = ‘%link »’, $link = ‘%title’, $media_id = null ) {
echo mpp_get_adjacent_media_link( $format, $link, $media_id, false );
}In assets/css/mpp-pure/mpp-pure.css:
.mpp-paginator .next {
border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0;
}Any ideas on how I can have previous aligned left, and next aligned right?
Thanks in advance,
GrahamHi Graham,
You can do it easily in cssa.mpp-next { float:right;} /** We do no need to do anythign with the mpp-previous as it is already at left I am posting the selector here in case you want to add some styling etc. */ a.mpp-previous{ }
Please add it(You my do via Customizer Additional Css) and It will do the needful.
Hope that helps.
BrajeshHi Graham,
You are right about the “>>”, I just noticed it. I will need to push another release of MediaPress for the fix. We need to put that >> inside the anchor element. Will do early Monday/Tuesday(with more features).Thank you
BrajeshHi Brajesh,
Yeah, been sitting here staring at the code and thinking “no you can’t add text in CSS” and thinking it will need to be an entry in my child functions.php file. But I only know how to fiddle with code, not make new stuff.
You can only do so much as an amateur detective!
I’ll just remove both sets of arrows from the template file in the meantime.
GrahamLearning is always fun 🙂
Yes, Please do remove that for now.
Thank you
BrajeshHi Brajesh,
I have made another website that uses MediaPress and have bought some more of your excellent plugins.
But every time you release an update to it, I have to remember to go in and remove the arrows.
I realize you only have two hands, but could you take another look at including those arrows “inside the anchor element”? Or even removing them altogether.
GrahamHi Graham,
Thank you.
Congratulations on creating the new website.I am adding the fix in MediaPress and it will be part of our next update for sure.
BrajeshHi Graham,
Hope you are doing well.I have added the enhancement in MediaPress 1.1.9(Now available).
Please make sure to change it as I have wrapped the anchor inside a span.
Thank you for the patience.
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