

Mediapress Privacy Settings

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 281
    NikB on #26051

    I’ve been running Mediapress on one of my sites for a while now but have recently be asked to add the “Friends only” privacy option (currently all images are set to “Public” and there is no option to change that).

    In trying to assess the potential implications of adding the “Friends only” option, I wonder if you could possibly let me know…

    Is there any way for members to set the privacy option when uploading images?
    Can members set a default privacy setting for their own uploads?
    Are images set to “friends only” excluded from the activity stream for “non-friends”?
    What happens if an image was originally “public” but then changed to “friends only” ie. will it be removed from the activity stream for non-friends?

    With many thanks in advance.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #26057

    Hi Nik,
    Thank you for using MediaPress.

    1.Is there any way for members to set the privacy option when uploading images?
    No. The privacy is managed by the gallery they are uploading to. If the gallery is public, the media will be public and so on.

    2. Can members set a default privacy setting for their own uploads?
    When the user create a gallery, they can choose their privacy. This ats as the default privacy for all uploads to that specific gallery.

    3. Are images set to “friends only” excluded from the activity stream for “non-friends”?
    Any privacy other than public marks the activity as private.

    4. What happens if an image was originally “public” but then changed to “friends only” ie. will it be removed from the activity stream for non-friends?

    The activity will not be removed but the image will not be visible to non friends.


  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 281
    NikB on #26062

    Thank you so much Brajesh. That’s really helpful to know and obviously, I’ll do a bit more testing myself but you’ve certainly saved me some time.

    The only aspect I am not quite so sure about is that when a user selects an image to “edit”, there is an option that appears to allow them to set the privacy level for that particular image. From what you’re saying above, would I be right in thinking this doesn’t actually have any effect as the privacy level is dictated by the gallery to which it’s added?

    Warm regards

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #26074

    Hi Nik,
    You are welcome.

    The default privacy for each upload is that of its parent gallery.

    On the edit media page, you can override that. So, It will have effect. It allows you to override the privacy of each media individually.


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