Hi George,
The problem is component.Please use
[mpp-uploader gallery_id=2581 component=sitewide]
That will fix it.
Let me know if it works or not?
BrajeshI’m afraid it did not work. I made sure the code on my test server is the same as on the live server and checked again – it works on the test server, not on the live server. So I them deactivated all other plugins other than my custom plugin and it still did not work on the live system. I notice if I upload via the admin galleries page it works, just not with the shortcode. Not sure what else I can do.
Hi George,
The problem is happening as the uploader is reporting component as ‘members’ which is disable in the gallery settings.It seems to me that the mpp_get_current_component() has a bug.
For testing purpose, you cam put the following line in bp-custom.php
add_filter( 'mpp_get_current_component', function ( $component ) { if ( 'members' == $component && ! mpp_is_active_component( $component ) ) { $component = 'sitewide'; } return $component; } );
BrajeshThank you for confirming. I will be adding a fix for the case where ‘members’ is disabled.
For now, Please do keep the code above.
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