

Member types pro – compatiblity with Buddyboss

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 11
    Derek Knox on #41927

    Thank you for your help last month, you are right, the Member types pro plugin causes some issues and incompatibilities with Buddyboss and I didnt realise the downstream impacts that had when searching (duplicated member types that are hidden and cant be removed etc)

    Any timing on the updated version that will work with Buddyboss? Buddyboss has an issue in that it wont allow checkbox style multiple profile type selection for a user, they cant be more than one member type, our users need to be more than one type

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #41931

    Hi Derek,
    Thank you.

    I am very sorry but it is not feasible for us to support BuddyBoss with this plugin. we have evaluated it in the past.

    In this case, You can request BuddyBoss for supporting multiple types as profile field. That seems the best way to move forward.


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