

Member Types to Paid Memberships Pro and AWeber Integration

  • Participant
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    Casper on #50500

    Hi, hope all is well, and thanks for all your help with everything so far, I appreciate it! So I have the member types pro plugin and it has been working great.

    So one question I had is when using member types pro, when someone registers, they are assigned a certain pmpro level based on their member type selection on registration. Based on that pmpro level, they are then subscribed to an AWeber list.

    So the thing is, they don’t get subscribed to AWeber until AFTER they already activated their account. The problem with this is, is that they are less likely to subscribe to AWeber, because the AWeber confirmation email comes after their already logged in.

    I’m trying to solve this by getting the AWeber email to come immediately upon registration, even before they activated their account. This will increase my AWeber subscriptions. Before the member types pro plugin was added, this was how the AWeber subscription process worked, it was register –> aweber email –> then activation email. For some reason now with the member types pro plugin, the aweber email comes only after registration and login, and I’m not sure why or what the difference is.

    So on to my question, do you know what about the member types pro plugin would cause that difference of aweber confirmation before vs after account activation. Another alternative question woould be does member types pro have a separate integration with AWeber, and if so could I some how go from membertypes pro –> aweber (skipping pmpro all together, so in other words it would assign an AWeber list based on member type). Another alternative way of looking at it would it be possible to somehow set up member types pro to trigger the assigned pmpro level based on member type immediately, rather than wait for activation. My theory here would be that perhaps if the trigger is immediate, then the member type would instantly be assigned to a pmpro level, which would then be instantly assigned to AWeber, triggering the AWeber confirmation email before website account activation, which would be preferable for increasing leads on AWeber.

    So I’m not exactly sure which the best route to take would be, if any of these ideas are possible using member types pro, but thanks for reading and please let me know any insight into this and it would be greatly appreciated as usual. Thank you!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24830
    Brajesh Singh on #50507

    Hi Caspe,
    Thank you for the post and the question.

    I am sorry but member types pro has no idea about Awber plugin.

    I am not sure how is is affecting that. Can you please disable and re-check. Do you have any conditional registration enabled which might be affecting it?

    Please share your findings.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Casper on #50514
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24830
    Brajesh Singh on #50523

    Hi Caqsper,
    Thank you for the reply.

    Since the activation/deactivation has no effect, It is not caused by member types pro.

    By conditional registration fields I meant to ask if you had this option enabled for Member Types pro in (Dashboard->Settings->Member Types Pro)

    The member types get assigned on activation. That is to keep the user count in sync.


  • Participant
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    Casper on #50534
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24830
    Brajesh Singh on #50578
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  • Participant
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    Casper on #50656
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  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
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    Casper on #50660
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24830
    Brajesh Singh on #50668
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