

Members view admin only

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Thibault Querol on #20901

    I would like members who register to be visible only to the administrator
    They must not be visible to each other and it is the administrator who must choose which members he puts in contact with.
    Is it possible to do that?
    I installed your plugin “BuddyPress Visibility Manager” but I do not know how the configured

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #20907

    Hi Thibault,

    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    Thank you for the question and using the profile visibility manager plugin.

    It is achievable to make users administrators only, My question is how will you make two user’s contactable(visible to each other). Can you please tell me how you plan to do that and I will assist promptly.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 3
    Thibault Querol on #21237


    I set member visibility to “My Group Member Only”

    I put each user in his own group by being group admin, in this way I can see each member without being visible to each other

    The problem is that when I want to do a search, it shows me that no user matches even when there are users that match my search.

    Can you tell me if there is a way to make research work under these conditions ?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #21247

    Hi Thibault,
    Thank you.

    I am hoping that if I make the restrictions for search/listing to not apply when admin user is searching/visiting directory, that will fix it?

    Please allow me to push a release by Monday(It will be a disabled admin option).

    I will post back after update.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Thibault Querol on #21251


    Thank you for your reply
    It would be great as a solution


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #21266

    Hi Thibault,
    Please upgrade to 1.7.1. The option to see all users on front end is now available under General settings in admin.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Thibault Querol on #21296

    Hi Brajesh,

    It’s work perfectly

    I have another problem, the last registered ones appear even to non admin.

    Can you tell me if my configuration seems correct ?

    -Only site admin can update user settings? “No”
    -Enable Friends List visibility? “No”
    -Enable group tab visibility? “No”
    -Protected Profile Policy “Redirect to the last visited non protected page.”
    -Do not hide users from site admin? “Yes”

    -Default profile Visibility? “My Group Member Only”
    -Default friends list Visibility? “My Group Member Only”
    -Default groups tab visibility on profile? “My Group Member Only”
    -Hide Last Active? “Yes”
    -Exclude Users from Members search? “No”
    -Exclude Users from Members directory? “Yes”
    -Enable Friendship request by default? “No”


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #21304

    Hi Thibault,
    Is there any chance that the user was searching? Since the user is not excluded from search, they will appear if somehow they are being searched or search term is set on the page.

    Please do visit that user’s profile and check if the options for that specific user is set correctly or not?

    PS:- Did the user registration happened as normal or did you add the user from dashboard?

    Thank you

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