

@mentions namebox doesn't show on compose

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  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 39
    AJ on #20278

    When in compose message, namebox does not appear after “@”.


    Regards, AJ

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #20280

    Hi AJ,
    Is admin in your friends list? BuddyPress will only show your friends in the suggestion and if admin has hidden themselves from the listing(You are using profile visibility) or is not in your friend list, will not appear.

    Hope that helps.


  • Participant
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    AJ on #20303

    Yes he is in friend list (now I mentioned this as well in the other topic as additional information about forum mentions and notifications.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #20316

    Hi AJ,
    Thank you.

    As far as the mention is concerned, My suggestion will be to disable profile visibility or any related plugin and then check for the suggestion. Does it show friends now?


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    AJ on #20330

    Now you got me confused Brajesh.

    First you said that needs to be friend and not hidden.
    Then you said disable visibility (un-hide).

    That cannot be good as that means the function only works if people set profile to hidden?

    Or are you trying to pinpoint to origin of the problem?

    Regards, AJ

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #20344

    HI AJ,
    I am sorry I might not have been clear about it.

    Here is what I wanted you to test and he reasons behind i.

    1. By Default BuddyPress lists friends in the message suggestion box.

    2. Since it is not working, my assumption was something changed the suggested users list. Since you are using BP profile visibility plugin, I know that this plugin modifies user query to exclude users based on their preference.
    That’s why my suggestion was to disable the plugin temporarily and check this to make sure the source of the issue. Once we know the source, we can look at exploring our options.

    Hope it clarifies.


  • Participant
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    AJ on #20362

    Ah, now I understand!

    Unfortunatly, deactivating “BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager” did not do the trick…


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #20367

    Hi AJ,
    That is strange. Any chance your theme or some other plugin/code filters on user list too?

  • Participant
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    AJ on #20375

    I use Activemember360 to deal with my membership stuff. It’s tag-based with Active Campaign. That tells if users have the correct level of access. Not sure if that is related but it’s the core of my site.

    I’m not aware of any plugin that uses the @mentions feature.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24774
    Brajesh Singh on #20379

    Hi AJ,
    I am sorry but I am not sure what could be causing then. My suggestion will be to log queries and see f they give some clue.

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