Tagged: blog, moderation, post, tools
hi Brajesh,
just started using your Moderation Tools plugin. Excellent work!
One thing jumps out at me as being missing, (from my perspective), and this is post/blogs support. I’m using your own buddyBlog for blogs on my site, so I’m thinking this should be fairly straightforward, but so far no luck. I see in your docs. image config screenshot “Posts” as an option, but I don’t see this on my site. Am I missing the obvious configuration switch for this, or is this something you are planning to add, or is this something I can code in myself?
Helpful suggestions, as always, highly appreciated.
Hi Richard,
Thank you for using BuddyPress Moderation Tools.I am sorry, the posts were removed from the plugin while releasing. The screenshot was a mistake. We did add it in the faq section but forgot to update the screenshot.
We will be adding support for post this week. And the support for WooCommerce and bbPress will be available in next 2 weeks too.
Thank you
Brajeshhi Brajesh,
great news, I look forward to getting my paws on the blog support!
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Richard Foley.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
Hi Richard,
Hope you are doing well.We will be most probably releasing the posts support today or tomorrow. It is in testing phase and I am looking forward to release within next 24-48 hours.
Brajeshhi Brajesh,
great to hear that, no rush and testing is good! 🙂
Hi Richard,
I am sorry for the delayed update. We have got the post type working. The issue that has caused delayed is related to admin deletion of log/reports etc.It is inconsistent and I have been working on to make it more consistent. I will publish the release for sure today(IST). It may be late as I still need to sort out the log and report deletion in a consistent way.
Thank you for your patience.
BrajeshHI Richard,
Thank you for the patience.Please upgrade to 1.0.7 and enable posts in General settings and then configure it under the posts panel.
Please let me know how it goes?
Brajeshhi Brajesh,
this is excellent. Wilco, and will feedback ASAP. (might take me also a short while…)
Thank you. I am looking forward to it.
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