

mpp Featured media widget

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #6086

    Hi Brajesh, I’ve been playing wit this, it seems like a great way of customising a profile page, however there are some improvements I’d like to suggest:

    1. Have a slider option, that way a lot of images could be displayed without making really long pages and the admin would not have to worry about setting a max number of images to display.

    2. Unpopulated message – I think that if it is the member visiting his own profile and they have not set any featured images, it should display a message that I can personalise myself, so I could say “Set a featured image to display it here” for example. If it is a visitor to the profile then it should simply not display, that way members are reminded they can personalise their profile and the pages are kept uncluttered.

    3. For videos and audio, have some sort of playlist and auto-play option, so that people have the option of automatically playing music or showing a video to all that visit their page. Of course some check would need to be in place to stop both audio and video playing at once.

    4. Can we have a shortcode that does the same thing? Currently the only way to differentiate sidebars for gorups, profiles etc that I’m aware of is to use the pro version of Content Aware Sidebars and this is pretty expensive so not available to a lot of people, on the other hand in groups there are other options for displaying shortcodes by setting up Extras based pages so a shortcode would work great in this context.

    5. Who can set featured content in different situations needs to be looked at and different places for featured content. So in the case of a sitewide gallery I think you should be able to display a set of featured content and have the choice for only the site admin to choose which content is featured. Another amusing option would be to have the option for content displayed to be based on how many likes it had got (possible opportunity to integrate with WP ULike)

    6. This comes back to my old hobby horse – allow videos to be YouTube and audio to be Soundclouds, I’m a musician and also I’ve started producing videos and even then, I’d much rather post my video to YouTube once and then share it via links, I think this is true for most people, it just takes too long to upload videos and the space required on the server means a lot of sites would fall over if videos of a reasonable size were allowed.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #6093

    HI George,
    Thank you for posting. As always, I appreciate your ideas for the improvement of MediaPress and related plugins.

    1. We are thinking about it. It will be like sticking with a slider option or do something with views to allow site admins decide the slider options.

    2. It’s a good idea. Will certainly add it.

    3. Yup. I am not a fan of auto playing videos/audio but we can always have an option in the widget and use the playlist view.

    4.We will have shortcodes. The plugin is not yet in released state. So, more features are coming to it. As of custom sidebar, I may be releasing an addon for woosidebars to handle these cases.

    5.Yes, we need to revisit it. We will try for a formal release next week and go through it.

    6. This is on my priority list. I am working on UI and expect it in a month. I have been waiting as I do not want it to be like the existing solutions. Plan is to allow link/oembed/normal images from web pages, remote sources and so on in a proper manageable and future proof way. Adding support for just youtube and soundcloud is easy but I am going for a more flexible approach.

    I will keep you updated about the progress of featured image next week.

    Thank you

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