

[Resolved] Need help with 2 plugins I bought

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 75
    Katrine Spencer on #52472

    Hello guys!

    Thanks for some great plugins, they fixed my latest needs for my community forum.
    I did run into a few bugs and fixes I haven’t been able to figure out myself (despite creating custom CSS etc.)

    ___ BuddyPress Editable Activity (2.0.3)
    1. Want to remove the class-style of the “edit-button” [a.button acomment-edit bp-secondary-action]. I haven’t been able to fix this with CSS on snippets and would like to remove the style (see before after for what I want).

    Before (https://ibb.co/brRCCV5) After (https://ibb.co/KrF0Lk7)

    2. When using the “Edit”-button on a comment/reply (from phone) the pop-up box sometimes gets stuck at the bottom and I’m not able to use the box or edit my comment. (https://ibb.co/3rT1rs4)

    3. I don’t see a log of previous edits and what post used to be edited – only the original comment is shown (as an edit) in the activity-log backend (original comment is gone).

    ___ BuddyPress Anonymous Activity (1.0.11)
    1. When a user who is verified replies as anonymous in a post/comment they show up with “verified mark” next to their name. This can cause some issues and makes it easier to detect who might have sent the comment. (https://ibb.co/kXHWCXQ)

    2. When an anonymous user posts something in a group their name shows up with “pan>Anonymous” – the “pan>” clearly comes from code by a mistake somewhere and needs to be fixed. (https://ibb.co/x3XWJYB)

    3. When an anonymous user uploads images/attachments from the activity wall, they show up in their personal galleries (I’m using rtMedia). Is there a way to disable the uploading when choosing to be anonymous? (https://ibb.co/QfWv9Z9 and https://ibb.co/yP3Ytcn)


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #52484

    Hello Katrine,

    Sorry for the delayed reply and welcome to the BuddyDev forum. I will get back to you soon regarding your requirement.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 75
    Katrine Spencer on #52485

    Hello, I did manage to fix the CSS on the edit button using CSS Snippet, but I still have issues with the rest. πŸ™‚

    Thanks! πŸ™‚

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52486

    Hi Katrine,
    Thank you for the reply.

    — BuddyPress Editable Activity —
    1. I am glad you have resolved the css edit button issue.

    2. @ravisharma is looking inot it. We are checking if it happens always or is theme specific. We will be assisting with you in next 24 hours.

    3. That is expected behaviour. We have not provided any ui. If you have enabled the log, a copy will be saved in activity meta table. The goal was to add the ui in future but due to variations of so many themes, we decided to drop it.

    — BuddyPress Anonymous Activity–
    1. The verified plugin is not aware of anonymous plugin, so they are adding the badge. @ravisharma is checking if verified plugin provides a filter to allow us disable it.

    2. This is some misconfigured theme/plugin escaping what we are saving in database. It is <span> not pan.
    Can you please tell us which theme/template pack are you using?

    3.I am sorry, we don’t have any compatibility there. I will suggest asking RTMedia support if they have any js api to disable media selection. If they have one, we can use that on anonymous plugin, otherwise, there is no solution to it.


  • Participant
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    Katrine Spencer on #52487

    Hello thank you for the reply. πŸ™‚

    β€” BuddyPress Editable Activity β€”
    2. Sounds great, I’m looking forward to this.

    3. That makes sense, I’ll just disable the feature then since it’s not really needed (but more nice to have).

    β€” BuddyPress Anonymous Activity–
    1. Sounds great, also looking forward to the answer for this one.

    2. This has nothing to do with my theme, since it’s not an issue for non-anonymous users. It’s shown correctly when a regular user is posting something in the groups. I’m using the Cera theme by Themosaurus.

    3. I’ll try ask them about this to see if we can get this compatibale with RTMedia, since it would be nice.
    In the meantime I would just reccomend my users not to upload when using the anonymous setting to avoid this issue.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52488

    Thank you for the reply.

    — BuddyPress Anonymous Activity —
    The thing is we save some markup<span class="anonymus-activity-user-name">Anonymous</span> .... for the activity which is not the case for normal activity.
    The reason is to allow styling “Anonymous” name.

    When I said a theme/plugin conflict, I meant that this markup is escaped and stored and that’s causing the issue.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 75
    Katrine Spencer on #52489

    anonymus in that string is misspelled (anonymOus) – might be the issue?

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
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    Katrine Spencer on #52490

    But it also dosen’t make sense that this would be an issue? – it only happens if anonymous posts in a group.
    If they comment/reply or add a post it’s not an issue and says “Anonymous” like it should..

    It’s just when they post in groups that there is pan> in front that clearly comes from the <span> – the questions is just how we fix it from here? πŸ™‚

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52491

    No. That’s just an internal css class name(is not for the users to see). It was mis-spelled initially, that’s why it is so. It has no effect.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52492

    The problem is , the text is not being escaped if it is not group activity, so that is working.

    The text is being escaped(by something) when it is group activity. That’s what I was trying to convey earlier.

    We will have a solution for this within 2 working days.


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