

Need to know how to filter galleries

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    jobangle on #1008

    First off all, awesome plugin that you created Brajesh. I’m a rtmedia pro turned mediapress now. I’m trying to figure out how I can filter custom “categories” for the sitewide galleries/portfolio page.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #1009

    Hi @jose2241,
    Welcome to the BuddyDev forum and Thank you for using MediaPress.

    I need one clarification before providing details. Are you using sitewide gallery( It is not documented, so I was not sure if anyone was using it. Using it is perfectly fine though)

    By portfolio galleries, do you mean user galleries on their profile? There are shortcodes available for the filtering as well as if you are a theme developer, you can also use simple Gallery loop( Just like post loop) and do it.

    Please le me know and I will be happy to help.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    jobangle on #1015


    Thanks for your quick reply and sorry for not providing enough detail.

    >> I need one clarification before providing details. Are you using sitewide gallery( It is not documented, so I was not sure if anyone was using it. Using it is perfectly fine though)

    Sitewide gallery, meaning a third party plugin or buddypress/mediapress setting?

    By portfolio galleries, do you mean user galleries on their profile?

    Yes, galleries on their profile. But I would like people that are visiting my site to be able to sort galleries by a custom category or tag. The registered users should be able to upload images in that specific category (kind of like an album or “gallery” but it is a fixed value and cannot be edited)

    Say for instance, I have an artwork site… registered users will pick what artwork they are uploading for the community…

    -Digital Artwork

    Then the visiting customer would be able to filter results of uploaded artwork on the frontend.

    >> There are shortcodes available for the filtering as well as if you are a theme developer, you can also use simple Gallery loop( Just like post loop) and do it.

    Can you suggest a plugin? Also, I know RTmedia has a sortby “popular” “newest” “most views”. Are you going to implement this or have a plugin suggestion?

    One more thing–AJAX is not working when I click on galleries. I believe everybody is having this issue… below is my debug info

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    // MediaPress Settings //

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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #1023

    My apologies for the delayed reply. I have been thinking about your requirements a lot today.

    1. MediaPress currently allows 3 types of gallery.
    – User Galleries
    – Groups Galleries
    – Sitewide Galleries

    Sitewide galleries are not visible on User’s BuddyPress profile at the moment. It is like normal WordPress gallery with one twist that It can be created/managed from front end/backend both.

    2. What I understand is you want to create a Few categories and then allow users to Create Galleries and choose those categories? After that galleries/media can be sorted/filtered by these categories. It is possible to do with MediaPress but I will need to write some code to test custom categories. We haven’t tested this yet. Will these categories be available for all 3 type of galleries or just user galleries? Also, will a user be able to choose more than one category for a gallery?

    3. About the gallery media filtering, we are have definitely thought about it and it will com in future. We are not sure what counts as popularity( comment count, views or what criteria)? Before making something like this, we will need to release the View counter plugin(already of github, needs a finishing touch and release). This will be a small addon and we certainly look forward to have it.

    4. By ajax not working on gallery, can you pleas explain that in a little more details. Is it the tab clicking or uploading etc?

    Thank you

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