Hello buddydev
When a user makes a group or modifies the description
they can type an unlimited number of characters.This BP core file
The bp_create_excerpt () (in bp-core-template.php, line 365)
sets the length of the description to 225 charactersThis only limits the group excerpt description length on the
Groups directory page. Not the actual content amount .I copy and pasted 200 thousand characters into the group
description edit box. All 200 thousand were saved and pushed
into the database.Tryed these codes in theme functions and bp-custom
They only work on the excerpt.—————
function bbg_custom_group_description_excerpt( $excerpt, $group ) {
$excerpt = bp_create_excerpt( $group->description, 270 );
return $excerpt;
add_filter( ‘bp_get_group_description_excerpt’, ‘bbg_custom_group_description_excerpt’, 70, 2 );—————
and this below
add_action( ‘groups_group_details_edited’, ‘yzc_group_limit_description’ );
add_action( ‘groups_created_group’, ‘yzc_group_limit_description’ );function yzc_group_limit_description( $group_id ) {
if ( isset( $_POST[‘group-desc’] ) && ! empty( $_POST[‘group-desc’] ) ) {
$limit_length = 270;
if ( strlen( $_POST[‘group-desc’] ) > $limit_length ) {
bp_core_add_message( sprintf( __( ‘Sorry, You cannot add more than %d character in group description.’, $limit_length ),‘buddypress’ ), ‘error’ );
Do you have some code that would work?
that would be extra great !Thank you
Buddypress guy
Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.
The first snippet limits display and not store and the second snippet you have shared has limited scope.What is your goal with it.Do you want to limit(truncate) description before saving or do you want to show error if a user posts more than ‘n’ characters?
Please let me know and we will assist.
BrajeshHello Brajesh
Thank you for the response.For me first and second snippit limits display — but they -do- allow store
If a user types or pastes any number of characters they are all saved.
I pasted 100 thousand characters. After save, All of the text in the group
description edit box was still there.I looked at the wordpress buddypress backend ,- / Groups list edit.
All of the text was there It filled up 3 pages.Limit (truncate) description before saving would be awesome.
something that would stop an exceeded number of characters from
being typed or pasted beyond a set limit. Then, there is no way too
many characters could be saved.The group name edit is already doing that at 100 characters, I guess
there is a core file somewhere doing that.Thank you Brajesh
Hi Brajesh
Here is some buddydev code I found on the web that is working on
buddypress profile editI’ve been trying to tweek it so it will work on group description edit
— with out any luck.Maybe you would know how do it easy ? That way you wouldn’t
have to write anything new.—————————————
function buddydev_limit_xpfield_length( $validated, $values, $field ) {
$allowed_len = 0;if ( $field instanceof BP_XProfile_Field_Type_Textarea ) {
$allowed_len = 600;
} elseif ( $field instanceof BP_XProfile_Field_Type_Textbox ) {
$allowed_len = 300;
}if ( $allowed_len ) {
$validated = strlen( $values ) < $allowed_len;
}return $validated;
}add_filter( ‘bp_xprofile_field_type_is_valid’, ‘buddydev_limit_xpfield_length’, 10, 3 );
Thank you
Thank you for the reply.
I have looked at it and there is no direct way but we can hack around it.I will put some code in next 24 hours to assist you with it.
Hope you are doing well.
Thank you for your patience.Please use the code from this gist and update the allowed length as you need.
Hope that helps.
BrajeshHi Brajesh
HEY ! This code works Great ! You even put the error message on it.
It looks like fair amount of work. Thank you !I have some useful BP code that will replace the users profile name
with the username. Profile names can be duplicated.—If 100 users call
themselves ” John Doe ” a members search will find 100 John Doe.
/ Activity stream – which one made this post ?
This code will solve that.—– How do I post it on code snips page ? ? ?
Thank you
Thank you.
I am glad it worked.Thank you for your kind intention of sharing with the community. Our snippets section needs maintinence and that’s why we have disabled new snippet creation for now.
Please use this support forum to share the code(or even better link to a gist on github.com from here on this forum)
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