

Option to feature media items when limit reached – could be confusing for users?

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  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 35
    Kir on #26000


    If I set the number of featured media to show at 8 in the wp-admin, it’d be expected that the option to set a media item as featured on the front end would no longer be available, so the user can understand that they have run out of room. Otherwise it seems they can select featured items, but nothing happens – it could be confusing if there are lots of media items in a gallery.

    It would be really useful to see what the limit was somewhere in the screens – like:
    “You can choose (*insert featured media limit set in wpadmin here*) featured media items to display on your page”.

    But even then it would still feel a little weird to still see the add buttons when you can’t actually add since you’re at your limit. So perhaps the ‘add’ buttons could disappear when you hit the limit and appear again if you remove one?

    Or an alert of some kind if you tried to add when the limit has been reached, like:

    “You have already set the limit of (*insert featured media limit set in wpadmin here*) media items. Please remove one item to add another.”

    I hope I made sense with what i was trying to say.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 35
    Kir on #26002

    Sorry- I feel I didn’t make enough sense at the start above and I can’t edit it for some reason, the first sentence should really have said:

    “If I set the number of featured media to show at 8 in the wp-admin, and the user already had 8, it’d be expected that the option to set a media item as featured on the front end would no longer be available, so the user can understand that they have run out of room. Otherwise it seems they can select featured items, but nothing happens – it could be confusing if there are lots of media items in a gallery.”

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #26006

    Hi Kir,
    Thank you for the topic.
    At the moment, The limit is on display. You can set any number of item as featured. Ot of that only the set number ‘n’ , in you case 8, will be visible.

    I do not see this as an issue as site owners can increase/decrease limit.

    Still, we will add a filter to disable setting more than n media as featured. That should help in your issue.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 35
    Kir on #27064

    Hi there, just following up on this again, here’s an example attached.

    The thing is as a front end user of your website doesn’t interact with the back end where you set the limit in wp-admin at all, so they wouldn’t know anything about it. To them it will just seem there is opportunity to carry on adding featured images, but they don’t appear. That there are more images showing as featured in the gallery (because the button says ‘Remove Featured’ since they clicked it), than there are images showing as actually featured at the top of their page, so it’s a bit confusing for the end user of a website. The admin wants to set it 8, but the front end user can carry on adding even when there are 8 already, they just won’t actually be featured despite it looking like they have in the gallery itself where it now says ‘remove’.

    They may get the hint that you can maybe only set 8 if only 8 are appearing, but then they will wonder why they still have the opportunity showing to add more under other images (with ‘set as featured’ button) if there’s a limit.

    Also how’s the order the featured images display in determined? Just thinking that the order that featured images are set as featured by an end user, isn’t necessarily the same as the order they’re displayed in the gallery. A front end user could browse through their gallery and pick items as they decide to, for their page – and if they tried to feature quite a few more than the limit set without knowing what that limit was (I can’t see it tells the front end user anywhere), ….and then all of those pics they tried to feature now say ‘Remove Featured’ in the gallery even when they are not actually featured, the front end user won’t easily remember which pics to un-select to make which of the other ones they’d prefer to appear turn up as featured at the top of the page… (that sounds odd but do you know what I mean?). The end user could also feel a bit annoyed if they wasted time picking images that weren’t ever going to display, because they didn’t know the limit. And just assumed they’d not hit a limit yet if it was still suggesting you could add (by letting you click the button and it saying ‘Remove’ – it suggests to them it has been added.

    These issues would disappear if as soon as the limit imposed in admin were reached the ‘Add featured’ button disappeared on any further instances of pics.

    Or if it’s easier to just show ‘add featured’ button all the time, it’d do the job equally as well to have an alert of some kind pop up to say ‘limit of X (call in limit imposed in admin here) has been reached’ – if add in where the button would normally change to ‘Remove’ a quick check to see if the imposed admin limit has been reached, and to not complete that process to change the button to Remove if it has been reached.

    That way even if the button to set as featured is always there, at least it will only ever say ‘Remove featured’ on the number of pics in the admin limit, which is better user experience (see picture where 9 pics say Remove when only 8 are displaying)

    I hope I made sense – I’d love to use the plugin it’s great – but it’s a shame it’s a little bit confusing for users as it stands with the user experience showing more pics with Remove Featured than have actually been featured (as per pic).

    Oh hang on I can’t add pic here, but basically screen dump shows 9 images, when limit set is 8, but all 9 in the user’s interface show ‘Remove Featured’ even though only 8 have actually been featured.

    Thanks Brajesh πŸ™‚

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Kir.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Kir.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Kir.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #27071

    Hi Kir,
    Thank you for the details.

    I am asking @ravisharma to look into it and assist you early next week.

    PS:- to share image, Please use a screenshot sharing service and link here.

    Thank you

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