

Partial or full post as opposed to topic title only

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 57
    shelley parker on #13834

    when a user posts a topic to a forum, that topic appears on the forum feed but none of the description (the paragraph they write detailing what they want to say). We’d like that forum feed page to not just be a list of topic titles posted, but each of those topic titles should also have some or all of the description content written for that topic. How please? thanks.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #13836

    Hi Shelly,
    Are you using a child theme? If yes, Please copy community-builder/bbpress/loop-single-topic.php to yourchildtheme/bbpress/loop-single-topic.php

    After that, please add the following line just before the closing ul tag.

        <li class="'bbp-topic-content-small">
            <?php echo wp_trim_words( bbp_get_topic_content(), 50 );?>

    It will show the first 50 words from the topic description.


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