

Profile Tabs Feedback and Assistance

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 222
    Mike (DesignServe) on #24959

    Hi Brajesh,

    Covering a few topics relating to Profile Tabs.


    When creating a tab, can you consider having a link at the top of the page to go back to “All Tabs”, to save scrolling down the page each time we want to go back to that page (you will see what I mean when you are in my site, there are a lot fo manu items in the dashboard on the left, it involves a lot fo scrolling).

    On the ‘All Profile Tabs’ screen, can you make the “Order by” persist? I want to order by ‘Position’ but I have to re-select that every time I revisit the page.


    I can’t relocate the “Sites” tab. The slug for Sites tab is ‘blogs’ in multisite but that is not reflected on the All Tabs page. I tried sites and blogs as the slug, neither of these help to reposition the tab.

    When selecting multiple values from a Multi Member Type field, they disaply correctly on the user’s saved profile. When selecting a single value, the link displayed on the profile is a broken link.

    I added a new tab and subnavs with content but the content doesn’t show up.

    Thanks for your help with these.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #24979

    Hi Mike,
    Thank you for using the plugin and you suggestions.

    1. I will add a back link at bottom to make it easy.
    2. Since we are using the post type internally for tabs, the listing screen follows default WordPress way(same way you visit your Dashboard->Posts screen). For now, I am unable to enhance the list filtering experience(can be done in future though).

    3. For the blogs, I will check and get back to you. It could be a bug. I will get back at the end of the day(PST) with a solution.

    4. For member type, I will reply on your topic regarding use of member types.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 222
    Mike (DesignServe) on #25089

    Hi Brajesh,

    Got this thank you. I should have responded. The thing I need help with quickly if possible is:

    When I add a tab > subnav > content in the subnav, I can’t get the content to show up.

    If you can help with that one I can give you peace for a while haha.

    See this page to explain:


    Thank you,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25101

    Hi Mike,
    I have replied to your other topic about the same(re-prioritised). Let us continue there.

    Thank you

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