Hi guys !
Thank you for buddypress and its plugins, it helps me a lot lately 😀
I just read the article about custom avatars based on type : https://buddydev.com/buddypress/using-different-default-avatar-buddypress-users-based-profile-fields-member-type/I’m trying to do kinda the same but based on a custom field i have to every profile. Can this code work anyway or do I have to find another option ?
Here is my non working code, just in case !function buddydev_set_default_use_avatar_based_on_member_type( $avatar, $params) {
$user_id = $params[‘item_id’];
$type = get_user_meta( $user_id, ‘billing_user_type’, true );if ( $type == “DAD” ) {
$avatar = get_bloginfo(‘url’). “/wp-content/themes/listable-child/mums/visuals/avatars/picto-cigogne-05.png”;// get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/images/male.png’;
elseif( $type == “GRAN’DAD” ) {
$avatar = get_bloginfo(‘url’). “/wp-content/themes/listable-child/mums/visuals/avatars/picto-cigogne-03.png”;//get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/images/female.png’;
elseif( $type == “MUM”) {
$avatar = get_bloginfo(‘url’). “/wp-content/themes/listable-child/mums/visuals/avatars/picto-cigogne-01.png”;
else {
$avatar = ‘http://example.com/unknown.png’;//get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/images/unknown.png’;;
}return $avatar;
}add_filter( ‘bp_core_default_avatar_user’, ‘buddydev_set_default_use_avatar_based_on_member_type’, 10, 2 );
Hi Nicolas,
Will you be using BuddyPress custom field? If yes, you should consider usingxprofile_get_field_data( $field_id_or_name, $user_id ); instead of the get_user_meta()
If it is using the use meta(and not custom field).
Also, If I were you, I will use get_template_directory_uri() instead of the get_bloginfo.
The code should work though.
You should inspect the user avatar src and see if the image src is correct.
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