Tagged: visitors
Hi I installed recent visitor plugin. There are 2 error I found at the moment.
There are many viewed to Cindy’s profile. But, all it shown is only 4 visited? Using shortcode [bp-visitors-most-visited-users view=”slide” max=”10″ duration=”7″ show_visits=”20″]
Please help, thanks
Hi Jimmy,
The count on profile is the number of unique visits. It is how many unique person visited the profile.Also, the visit is only recorded for the users whose profile has enabled recording. If recording is diabled for a visitor, It is not recorded.
Can you please visit by a unique profile and check?
Thank you
BrajeshHi Brajesh
What do you mean Unique visitor? They all are users as FREE AND GOLD members.
How can it make it NOT unique? So it will show anyone who clicked Cindy.
Even better, what setting do i check for record ALL?
Please advise, Thanks
Hi Jimmy,
By unique visitors I mean how many unique members have viewed a profile.For example, Say X , Y, Z are three users
-If X visited Z 3 times and
– Y visited Z 5 timesThe number of Unique visit for Z will still be 2 as there were only 2 unique visitors(X,Y).
To enable recording for all(disregarding their preference), Please visit Dashboard->Settings->recent Profile Visitors and in the option, Please look for “Recording Policy”
Select “Always” and save. In future, all visits will be recorded.regards
BrajeshHi Brajesh,
Ok, I understand Unique now.
However, I logged-in on 10 different temp-users (including me) to viewed Cindy’s profile. So that is 10 different times unique people.
The last parameter shortcode is set for [show_visits=”20″]
So it should show all 10 because they all are unique, NOT shown just 4 unique.
I will follow your setting and test again. I will update info later
Hi Jimmy,
The shortcode “visitors_top_profiles” shows the list of most popular profiles on the site. These are the users who have been visited by others most.show_visits is used to enable/disable display of visit count.
Please use the max parameter for maximum number to list(you are already using 10).Do you have more than 4 unique profiles which were visited by atleast 1 user after activation of this plugin? They should be listed.
BrajeshHi Brajesh,
I followed your instruction, now is set ALWAYS (Not MOST).
Recent Visitors settings > Disable for roles? ——- ALL UNCHECKED
Exclude roles from being recorded? > —————–ALL UNCHECKEDOh ya, after I installed the plugin, I used 10 different users to viewed SUSIE btw (not cindy)
All I see is ONLY 4, BUT one of them is SUSIE herself??? freaky!Ya, I still using the same shortcode
[bp-visitors-most-visited-users view=”slide” max=”10″ duration=”7″ show_visits=”20″]Now, the max=10. Should I change to less/more ?
Now, the show_visitors=10 as well? Should I change to less/more?
Please advise, Thanks
Hi Jimmy,
The shortcode is not to list who visited the profile. It has a different purpose.
The shortcode lists which users had some visitor.
The popularity is counted based on how many visitors they had. It seems to me it is working correctly.
To see who visited a user, Please visit their profile(and switch as them using user switching). That should give the correct perspective.
BrajeshHi Brajesh,
I know what you are say. But shortcode should function the same way as others.
Those users listed on the user’s profile, tab and members directory, all are showing every visitors who viewed SUSIE. 🙂
Please take another person/customer point of view.
1- logged-in user shouldn’t show themselves on it.2- Showing just 3-4 is fine, but if able to refresh/randomly to show others users each time goes to that page. That’s even better.
Ok, Thanks for your help and understand…
How can we increase the number of profile views in each page refresh. That is, when one person looks at it 10 times, the profile there should be 10 views. That’s how I want to make adjustments.
it is now written that it is visited only once every time a user visits.
John’s user profile eric visited 4 times.
rebeca user visited 5 times.
John’s account has been visited 9 times in total, but only two people have been viewed on John’s profile page. Eric and rebecan’s total number of views does not say.so I want the number to increase after viewing each profile. whether 1 person viewed 100 times or 100 people viewed once. it doesn’t matter. The important thing for me is that this number increases every time the page is opened. how can I adjust this way?
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