

Regarding the BuddyPress Emoji plugin

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 17
    Jen on #47970

    Hi 🙂 This plugin looks amazing, as there are no plugins like this available for BuddyPress. Are you considering making this available for all themes? BuddyPress really needs this function, and I’m very surprised and disappointed that this just doesn’t exist for it.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #47985

    Hi Jen,
    I am sorry, could not reply in time yesterday as we had some server issue to tackle.

    There is a reason why we(or other’s) don’t provide an emoji plugin. The emoaji plugin needs the text area to be editable content instead of the textarea tags being used. Most of the BuddyPress theme have javascript code tied with the existence of the form textarea and replacing it with editable content breaks.

    That’s why we added the support for our theme butnot others.


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