

Regarding Youzer Plugin

  • Participant
    Serena Kim on #45111

    Hello Support Team,

    I am using the Youzer plugin as a buddypress addon for user profile section. So can you please confirm that is buddypress addon or that is third party addon. if that is third party addon then where we can update the license.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24851
    Brajesh Singh on #45112

    Hi Serena,
    Thank you for the question.

    I am sorry, I did not get it clearly. If you are asking if it is from us, It is not.

    You can either update the free version of that plugin from wp.org (Youzify) or paid from themeforest.

    If you were asking a different question, Please help me understand and I will assist.


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