Tagged: custom field types, profile tabs, Repeater Set, shortcodes
When ‘Repeater Set’ is enabled in the ‘BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types’ plugin,
the ‘BuddyPress Shortcodes’ plugin condenses custom fields in the ‘BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro’.Is there a way to just display the array content in the ‘shortcode’ function in ‘class-profile-shortcode.php’?
Or is there a fix availabe for when ‘Repeater Set’ is enabled?Hi Mike,
Thank you for the question.We are simply including the default profile loop from the theme/template pack using ‘bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/profile/profile-loop’ );`
We are not dealing with any specific field type. It should automatically work for all field types.
I will suggest reaching out to BuddyBoss to seek a solution why their repeater field set is not appearing in custom profile field loop.
BrajeshHi Brajesh,
The BuddyBoss ‘members/single/profile/profile-loop’ is being called on the main Profile which correctly returns the data when ‘Repeater Set’ is enabled.
The error only happens when it is called from the tab using the shortcode.
I am looking through the BuddyBoss bp-xprofile-template.php code to see if I find anything.
Here is the response from BuddyBoss:
Hi Michael,
Thank you for this information. As we checked your concern, the issue needs to be raised to BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro support: https://www.buddyboss.com/integrations/buddypress-user-profile-tabs-creator-pro/
Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/dSihIEwaCGBu
Please do us a favor and contact the plugin author: https://buddydev.com/support/forums/
and let us know their feedback once you received it. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Have a great day and be safe Michael!
Kind regards,
JR – WordPress Support Engineer
Hi Mike ,
I am sorry, It seems their support person did not read your query.Ask them this instead:-
I have a shortcode plugin that shows profile loop by loading
It works for all fields but not for the reapeater set field(all the repeater field is shown as only one). Is there anything that you can suggest to make repeater field work outside BuddyBoss’s profile page?—-
I hope they help.
BrajeshThe response is below. Are there any specific changes being made from the Tab to the Repeater? All I saw was a direct template from the Tab to BuddyBoss and did not see anything specific that would cause the issue.
They can refer to this documentation for more details: https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/reference/classes/bp_rest_xprofile_repeater_endpoint/
If you’re interested, we also offer custom development to implement this feature on your site. You can inquire through our agency here: https://www.buddyboss.com/agency/
Additionally, you may submit this as a feature request through our roadmap: https://www.buddyboss.com/roadmap/
I am sorry to see that. It seems they don’t have any intention to fix their bug.Since this is directly related to their bug, we are not able to do anything about it. You can verify the shortcode with BuddyPress and you will find it works as expected.
Here is the issue that I understand:- They have some kind of hackish support for repeater field which is only enabled if they detect it is profile display/edit page. On all other pages, that does not work and that’s why you are seeing this.
BrajeshThe SQL code a data structure looks concerning:
https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/reference/classes/bp_rest_xprofile_repeater_endpoint/get_repeater_fields/Would you recommend that the repeater not be used?
Function ‘bp_xprofile_get_groups’ in
buddyboss-platform/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-functions.phpOn line 38, setting default to false fixes the issue:
$repeater_show_main_fields_only = true;The variable is set to false only when ‘profile’ is ‘bp_current_component’
if ( ‘profile’ == bp_current_component() ) {
$repeater_show_main_fields_only = false;
}What would the Tabs be in ‘bp_current_component’ to fix the issue conditionally?
Hi Mike,
Thank you.1. Don’t recommend using BuddyBoss’s repeater as it is not the right or efficient solution.
2. The component is tab slug(part after user identifier in the url). For example if the url is example.com/members/user-slug/something/other-thing/. The component is ‘something’Regards
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