

Request: Shortcode to display the number of users with 'Member Type'

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 222
    Mike (DesignServe) on #23955

    Hi Brajesh,

    On most of my networked sites I display the total number of users as “Members” but on one site I would like to display the number of users who have a particular Member Type. This is so that I can display in the header:

    “841 Model XYZ Owners”

    When they have the Member Type “Model XYZ” and I have 841 users with that Member Type, for example.

    The shortcode should just display “841” and then we could add other shortcodes or text after it.

    This would be useful on other pages, to state the numbers of different Member Types also.

    Alternatively, can you advise me another way to achieve something similar?

    Many thanks,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #23984

    Hi Mike,
    Thank you.

    It’s a good idea. Due to complexities involved on multisite, multiblog, I will have to hold the update till next week. Otherwise, It would have been a quick implementation.

    I will update you after the release.

    Thank you

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