

Shortcode and Widget not display any featured users

  • Participant
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    George Plumley on #20215

    I’ve set several members as Featured, from the buttons that show in the Member Directory. But, when I use the shortcode or the widget to display them, I get the “no members were found” message.

    WP 4.9.9
    BP 4.1.0

  • Participant
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    George Plumley on #20217

    Additional plugins that might be relevant

    BP Profile Search

    MemberPress + BuddyPress Integration

  • Participant
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    George Plumley on #20219

    I’ve deactivated BP Profile Search and that did not fix the issue

    I’m going to have to wait until overnight to deactivate the MemberPress add-on, because that’s being used at the moment by others.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #20227

    Hi George,
    Thank you for the details. Please do share what happens when you deactivate memberpress integration.

    The only reasonable explanation is something filtering on BuddyPress User Query(or WordPress user query).


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    George Plumley on #20228

    I actually just had a chance to deactivate the MemberPress add-on, and it’s still not working.

    Overnight I’ll try deactivating all plugins -but I can’t imagine what would be filtering a BP User or WP User Query, other than these plugins.

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    George Plumley on #20460

    Sorry for the delay. Strange thing happened the other day – I could see one of the Featured Members by use of the shortcode. But the other 5 weren’t there. Tried setting shortcode to show max 100, but still one one showed. I tried unsetting everyone and then setting a new featured member – again, getting the No Members Found.

    I was thinking about the query, and I have customized member-loop.php… but only to change the number of members shown at a time and to add some new profile fields into each listing.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #20468

    Hi GP,
    Please try this

    [bp-featured-members view="list"]

    This view does not uses theme’s loop. Is it showing the members?

    If it is not showing then there are only 2 probabilities.

    1. something filtering on bp_after_has_members_parse_args

    Or something is certainly affecting the user loop.

    Please give it a try and let me know.


  • Participant
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    George Plumley on #20488

    I had been using that exact shortcode, but without the quote marks. Added the quote marks, and still no members shown.

    I’ve gone through again and disabled all plugins (except BP and BP Featured), as well as changing to a default WP theme – still no featured members.

  • Participant
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    George Plumley on #20489

    I’ve also gone through and updated some plugins that needed it – including MemberPress – but still nothing.

    And I’ve also run the shortcode on a page that does not use WP Bakery, without result.

    I’ve tried setting Featured members through their individual profiles rather than through the member listing page – but neither action makes them appear.

    I’ve tried putting a BP Featured widget in the footer – still no members showing.

  • Participant
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    Posts: 13
    George Plumley on #20490

    I tried switching from the Nouveau template to the Legacy template, but no results.

    And these are the BuddyPress Components that I have running

    Extended Profiles
    Account Settings
    BuddyPress Core
    Community Members

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