

Shortcodes for Mediapress Gallery (media address, Playlist, autoplay)

  • Participant
    Ree on #53176

    Hi all…

    I’m sorry if this is going in the wrong section of the forum… First time user of mediapress and first time poster to the forum…

    New to mediapress, and I’m enjoying it thoroughly so far. I have created a gallery, and used a front end uploader shortcode on my gallery page, wrapped in a user login script, to prevent unwanted uploads to the gallery, unless a specific user is logged in to the site, and on the gallery page.

    The media files upload perfectly, and they show in the gallery, but, truth be told, the gallery as it is, is a bit bland, although it fits the basic purposes of what I need it for currently.

    The question at hand is three-fold:

    1. I’d like to have the address of the media that I have in the gallery showing as a clickable or copyable link under the media in the gallery, for example, a dog picture would have the link “https://mysite.com/gallery_13/dog.jpg”, so that I can copy that link and forward it on to wherever… at the moment it just shows “https://mysite.com/gallery_13/” and has no media name appended… even right clicking on the thumbnail doesn’t bring that up.

    2. I would like to create an autogenerated/auto-updated/auto-populated gallery playlist of the files that are in the gallery, to send to a third party (or if buddydev/mediapress has an optional plugin for that) gallery or slider, that shows the media based on the media files within the mediapress gallery, through the playlist. or that access the gallery folder (eg. mpp_gallery_13) directly, and generates it’s content based on that. The mediapress gallery is functional, just not very aesthetic for end users.

    3. how does one create a thumbnail picture on the gallery uploads, and have the media (for videos), autoplay on click, when the lightbox opens up, instead of having to use the player controls? and can one hide the player controls if it autoplays?

    I’ve tried basic searches on the forum, and the snippets section, but I’m not sure what I’m looking for, making it harder to do functional searches.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    With Kindest Regards,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24830
    Brajesh Singh on #53184

    Hi Ree,
    Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.

    Thank you for using MediaPress. I am glad you are liking it.

    You are right about the default experience. It is minimalist at the moment.

    I will assist you with all the 3 questions(First 2 are easy but the last one will be a bit tricky).

    In order to assist you with the right information, please let me know if you are familiar with code changes or not. It is fine if you are not. It would be very flexible if you are familiar.

    Please let me know and I will assist.


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