

[Resolved] Simple Front End Posts


  • Participant
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    glenn nall on #3737

    ok, i’ve placed the initial function in my functions.php after trying it in bp-custom.php. i’ve tried to decide what ‘template’ you mean as to where i place the form call; wherever i put it, all i have under Blog in Groups is “This group has no Blog posts.”

    can someone please tell me exactly where i can place this form show function?


  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #3738

    Hi Glenn,
    I am sorry but I am unable to understand your details.

    Can you please provide more details to allow me understand what are you trying to accomplish here?

    Thank You

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    glenn nall on #3739

    yes, thank you!

    I simply need to know where to place that second function – in your instructions, you say “in your template” but i don’t know what that means – buddypress template files, the plugin template files…? a custom template?

    and where within the template file do i place it so that it’s available in Groups…?

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    glenn nall on #3740

    //now let us find the form and render it
    $form = bp_get_simple_blog_post_form(‘my form’);
    if ( $form ) {//if this is a valid form
    $form->show();//it will show the form

    “You can use above code anywhere in your template to render the form.”

    which Template? approximately what line? i just wish to have this somewhere in my groups – once i see how it’s done, i’m good, and can modify it…


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #3748

    Hi Glenn,
    Had a talk with Ravi.

    Are you using the Blog Categories plugin or have created your own plugin? If you have created your own plugins, are you using Group Extension? If yes, The code can be put inside the display() function of the extension.

    To assist you better, we will need to understand the context. Can you please provide a screenshot(please link here) and mark the place where you want the form to be displayed. one of us will be able to assist you quickly.

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    glenn nall on #3752

    i was successful in getting the form to appear, just wondered if the post was supposed to appear in groups, too. it says “This group has no Blog posts,” so i assume that blog posts are supposed to show right there when they’re posted.

    what am i missing?

    right now they ARE appearing in the groups activities, but that’s not exactly what i had in mind. is that by design? what about “This group has no Blog posts.” ?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by glenn nall.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #3754

    Hi Glenn,
    Will you please let me know if you are using Blog Categories for groups plugin or not?

    1. If you are using Blog Categories for the groups plugin, you do not need any code to display forms. It is handled by the plugin. In this case, the posts will appear in group activity stream and the posts will be listed under blog menu on the single group page

    2. If you are not using Blog Categories for groups, In that case, you will need to list the post yourself. Your best bet is using WP_Query and creating a custom loop. Please do understand that BP Simple Front End post plugin is a low level tool and except rendering/handling the posting, It does not do anything. Other plugins use the functionality provided by BPSEF and add their own listing etc.

    Hope I am able to clarify.

  • Participant
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    glenn nall on #3756

    yes, very clear. I’m sorry.

    yes, i’m using Blog Categories. I followed instructions and was successful in displaying the form.

    when i create a post, it appears in Group Activity Stream. the post DOES NOT appear under the Blog Menu in the single group page, and that is all i am trying to correct at this point. If you can help me figure this out, I’ll be VERY grateful.

    thanks so much.

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  • Participant
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    glenn nall on #3760

    did you look at the two images that explain my problem?

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