

Suggest some plugin that can


  • Participant
    Manjit on #18665

    do following task metrics.

    A user will pay & become member. A member can do following tasks.

    User Types Trial Standard Silver Gold Platinium
    Type 1 entries Upto 5 entries unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
    Type 2 entries NA Upto 5 entries unlimited unlimited unlimited
    Type 3 entries NA NA Upto 5 entries unlimited unlimited
    Type 5 entries NA NA NA Upto 5 entries unlimited

    The entries will have some fields that a user will fill and save. User can also update them in future.
    I as a admin will be able to see all the data.

    I have planned to do this with buddyPress. Is it possible?
    Or could any one help to find suitable Plugin/S that can do these tasks.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #18666

    Hi Manjit,

    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    It should be easily doable with some custom code.

    All you need is 2 plugin
    – Membership plugin
    – posting plugin

    I assume you can save the entries as post/post meta?

    All you need to do it to tie these two plugin with some custom code for restriction.

    For membership, I believe there are many choices like PMPro, Simple Membership etc.
    Similarly, for allowing the user to post from their profile, you can either create a custom addon or use a plugin like BuddyBlog or BuddyForm or social articles and customize them to fit your need.


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