

The future of MediaPress

  • Participant
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    Posts: 17
    CleanGist on #40298

    I initially had Activity Plus Reloaded on my website, and I asked for a Feature Request on it, but was told that BuddyPress will have a Media Component soon in version 10.0– so no need to go further on Feature Request for Activity Plus Reloaded.

    Then I moved to MediaPress. Now, I don’t know how Advanced the BuddyPress Media component will be, but it seems MediaPress will be more advanced, and I seem okay to want to continue to use MediaPress irrespective of whether BuddyPress comes up with a Media component or not.

    But I am curious to know:

    1.) Would MediaPress continue to be developed and supported if BuddyPress comes up with its Media component?

    2.) It was said that migration will be done to BuddyPress Media for media(s) that had earlier on been uploaded with Activity Plus Reloaded.

    Should the BuddyPress Media component be born, and it looks okay and MediaPress sees no further need to continue developing and supporting MediaPress, would you also consider the Migration of MediaPress items to BuddyPress Media component as well?


  • Participant
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    CleanGist on #40504

    I am still awaiting reply Sir

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #40523

    I am sorry, I missed this earlier.

    currently, we are waiting for BuddyPress 10.0 to see which direction we should take MediaPress to. Most probably, we will start focusing on Front end media uploader for WordPress.

    1. MediaPress will continue to be developed but depending on BuddyPress Media component, It will mostly compliment the BuddyPress functionality.

    2. It was said that migration will be done to BuddyPress Media for media(s) that had earlier on been uploaded with Activity Plus Reloaded.

    I am sorry, that’s not on plan.


  • Participant
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    CleanGist on #40529

    If you say that there’s no plan to migrate all Media that we have uploaded with MediaPress into BuddyPress media component, are you then saying you don’t care that all our Medias in Activity Stream will be lost?

    I uploaded this Media with Activity Plus Reloaded— https://prnt.sc/1qx3lxq

    You can see that the Image is no longer there, when Activity Plus Reloaded was removed. Are we going to suffer similar fate of losing Media in Activity stream when MediaPress is removed because of BuddyPress Media Component?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #40530

    You are most probably having some incorrect assumptions.

    What I said was for “Activity Plus reloaded”. Please re-read the reply.

    For MediaPress, we will use it to complement the BuddyPress Media component and all the uploads will remain. Where do you get the idea that Media will be lost?


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 17
    CleanGist on #43108

    Hello Sir.
    I believe you are in good health.

    For sometime now, I’ve patiently waited for BuddyPress Media component to know how it now syncs with MediaPress.

    My Questions are:
    1.) Is BuddyPress Media Component finally released?
    1b) If Yes, where can I read about it?

    2.) What plans are there for MediaPress, in working and syncing with BuddyPress Media Component?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #43168

    Thank you for the reply

    1. No.
    2. We are working on MediaPress. An update will be available in next 2-3 weeks. The plan for syncing will depend on when the Media component comes out.


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