

The Urgent Ones

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 222
    Mike (DesignServe) on #25093


    I know I write a lot and it is complicated and confusing. So I add my urgent ones here.


  • Participant
    Level: Master
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    Mike (DesignServe) on #25094
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25097
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25116

    Hi Mike,
    We have released the BuddyPress User badge update. It fixes the width/height issue.


  • Participant
    Level: Master
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    Mike (DesignServe) on #25145

    Hi Brajesh,

    Just to tell you I saw your message immediately when you sent it.

    Issue #1 – there is a problem with versions of modernizr.js and I will update you here and give you dev access when I find out more.

    Issue #2 – The height/width issue with badges seemed a small thing but fixing it has enabled me to fix all images on my site and I have been able to properly implement memcached, jetpack, cloudflare and other caching & tests.

    So this is to thank you for fixing that because it made a big difference for me.

    Best wishes,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25174

    Thank you Mike.

  • Participant
    Level: Master
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    Mike (DesignServe) on #25228

    Hi Brajesh,

    To let you know that the Badges css override in the recent update isn’t working for me.

    I know, I have become “the css man” 😀

    Anyway, I have tried numerous things since the update but I feel that it isn’t working.

    I can live with it for a while if you’re very busy.

    Here is a link to see the badges, they should be 64px.


    Many thanks,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25230

    Hi Mike,
    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please visit Badge Settings and you will notice a checkbox to disable the css for dimensions there.


  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 222
    Mike (DesignServe) on #25239

    Hi Brajesh,

    I enabled the checkbox as soon as it updated. I’ve tried it with and without the checkbox (flushed caches etc etc) various days since the update but I don’t see any difference with the checkbox on or off. I’ll try it again over the next few days because it’s always possible to make a mistake but in my opinion the checkbox doesn’t work at the moment.

    Best wishes,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25257

    Hi Mike,
    I am replying late as I wanted to verify it. I checked again and the option(selecting Yes/No) for css works. Please make sure to clear any browser cache if it does not.


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