

Third Party Premium Plugin Integration with BP Simple Frontend Post

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 19
    Ada on #5397

    Hi Brajesh,

    Without going into too much detail at this stage I wonder if you can advise whether BP Simple Frontend Post uses a special (non-standard) class for the media uploader. The reason I ask is that a premium plugin I recently acquired does not show up when the media uploader/gallery is launched from BP SFEP. It otherwise works fine with backend editor and other frontend editors. This particular plugin adds a search form to the media uploader for searching external images. This is a partial response from the the plugin developer:

    “…We just checked your BuddyPress Simple Frontend, it looks like it is using a different class for the uploader. Thus the Frontend Editor doesn’t display the CC Image Search tab.
    The CC Image Search is only meant to work with a standard environment of WordPress…”

    Appreciate any hint you may have or a tweak that I could apply to make it work.

    Many thanks,


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24852
    Brajesh Singh on #5436

    Hi Ada,
    We do not using anything specific. All we do is use wp_editor function to generate the editor with support for media upload.

    Most probably the premium plugin is checking for whether they are inside admin etc before adding the plugin.

    I am sorry, but I don’t have much to offer in this regard.

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 19
    Ada on #5477

    Thank you very much Brajesh Sir for your attention. To test your suspicion I installed a couple of other front-end plugins – that particular 3rd party plugin doesn’t seem to have any issues with them i.e. the search tab shows up on the Insert Media screen next to the Media Library tab. So it seems something about the way or the priority SFEP is initiating interferes with the binding.

    BP Simple Frontend Post being such a great plugin I do not want to depart from it and so in due time when I have some funding available from the charitable trust I will join as premium member and seek your advice then. Much appreciate all your help. Ada

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