Tagged: translation
I’m using this plugin.
How do I translate the notifications to Hebrew?Hi,
The above plugin uses generated content. Th contents are generated by BuddyPress or some of the plugins on your install.To translate the notification, you will need to translate BuddyPress Notification text or the notification text from the specific plugin(if you are using extra plugins).
The live notification plugin simply passes the notification data to one of the registered callback(by BuddyPress or other plugin) and uses the generated content.
BrajeshI’m using Youzer – https://codecanyon.net/item/youzer-new-wordpress-user-profiles-era/19716647
Would the notifications be coming from that plugin?
Is it the same notifications as on the notification page of the plugin?Hi,
Yes, the notifications are same in the live notification and the Profile’s Notification page.Are you trying to translate all notifications or only some of them. Most of the notifications for messages, activity, friends come from BuddyPress itself.
The Youzer plugin might have added some notification. So it depends on your need(all translation means you will need to do it in multiple plugins).
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