

Translation buddypress member blog doesn’t work

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 4
    Paulien on #44321


    I translated buddypress member blog using locotranslate, but it doesn’t work. I don’t see the translations on my website. I saved it in the loco map, so it doesn’t get overwritten when the plugin is updated..

    Please help!

  • Participant
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    Paulien on #44323

    When I move it to system, it does work. But, I don’t want it to get overwritten when the plugin is updated..

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
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    Brajesh Singh on #44337

    Hi Paulien,
    Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.

    Are you using the member blog plugin from BuddyBoss? Please link us to the plugin to understand the issue and assist you .


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    Ravi on #44369

    Hello Paulien,

    Thank you for the acknowledgement. BuddyBlog plugin fully supports translatable strings. Can you please let me know which strings you are translating?. I have tested this plugin on my local server and it is working fine for me.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 4
    Paulien on #44386

    Hi Ravi,

    It does work when I move it to ´system´, but I want it in the loco map because don´t want the translated strings to get overwritten when I update the plugin.

    Strings that I want to translate are the words in the front-end form…

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #44465

    Hello Paulien,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. Translated files under the system directory will not be overridden when you update the plugin. So, you can use this directory for your translated file.


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