

Unable to reply in the topic I created?

  • Participant
    Laurie Dugdale on #1361


    Thanks for the response and sorry but I’m unable to reply to the topic – Followers are not showing in activity feed

    However in response to the original topic my wording might not have been clear enough. I meant the activity of the users they follow is not showing up in the feed. I have friend connections enabled in buddypress would this be conflicting? If so, is there a way around it?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #1362

    Hi Laurie,
    sorry about that topic issue. If that happens next time, please try refreshing browser. That hsould fix it.

    Now, about your question. Yes, you are right. The problem is it only looks for followers when friends is not active.

    Again, enabling followers is still not an issue, I ma posting modified code from my previous post to include following users with friends.

    add_filter( 'fblike_activity_get_friend_ids', 'fb_like_custom_include_folling_user_ids_with_friends', 10, 2 );
    function fb_like_custom_include_folling_user_ids_with_friends( $user_ids, $current_user_id ) {
    		$following_ids = bp_follow_get_following ( array('user_id'=> $current_user_id ) );
    		$all_ids =  array_merge( $user_ids, (array) $following_ids );
    		return array_unique( $all_ids );

    Can you please put it in your bp-custom.php or theme’s functions.php and check if it is working or not?

    Thank you

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