

Uninstall mu-global-terms

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Yves Belleville on #6406


    After a year through of using this plugin on a school multiuser site, the educational team as decide to not share anymore the categories, menus and tags anymore across all the sites.
    So I deactivated the plugin. But now, we can’t see or had any categories on any site except the front one, with a super-admin count.
    What shall we do ?
    After digging the bar, I figure out that we should:
    1/Reset wp_terms, wp_term_relationaships and wp_term_taxonomy to factory settings
    2/ Create wp_XX_terms and wp_XX_term_taxonomy (where XX is the site id) for each sites…

    Is this correct or is there another way to recover a standard functionality for taxonomies.
    Nota: with have replaced all the WP files to the last version.

    Thank you for help: more than a hundred journalist students are waiting for a solution…


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #6409

    Hi Yves,
    My apologies for the inconvenience. One of the side effects of this plugin is WordPress does not crate the table for the sub sites.

    You will need to create 2 tabls

    and may also have to create

    How many sites do you have? If there are too many sites, this process can be automated. If it is less than 10 sites, please use php myadmin to clone table.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Yves Belleville on #6416

    Thank you for your quick answer.

    We have more than 110 sites! :-I

    So, we have to set an automated process to create as much wp_xx_terms and wp_xx_term_taxonomy (where “xx” is the id of each sites) as we have sites…

    The xx sites have already a www_xx_term_relationships file, some of them with values. Will such entries be operational or will they have to reenter all there settings ? By the way, should we empty those files ?

    Is there any chance that you have some topics on how we could set an automated process. Online or through an export/process/import procedure? This would be of great help 😉

    Thank you

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