

Upgrade BuddyDev Subscription

  • Participant
    Mustafa Sualp on #33899

    We purchased BuddyBoss Max, and we are happy with it.

    We now would like to upgrade to BuddyBoss Essentials.

    Is this possible?


    Mustafa Sualp


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #33900

    Hi Mustafa,
    Thank you for being a valuable member. I have mailed you a coupon to upgrade the account.

    Please do note that we don’t have BuddyBoss essentials, It is Buddy Essentials(for BuddyPress) and not all plugins from this package is compatible with BuddyBoss.
    All our BuddyBoss compatible plugins(existing and upcoming) will be available as part of BuddyBoss Max package.

    So, If you are using BuddyBoss, I will not suggest upgrading.


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