

User Profile Tabs Creator Pro contradictory options in settings

  • Participant
    Level: Yogi
    Posts: 1117
    calu on #26864

    Hi Brajesh, I still find User Profile Tabs Creator Pro difficult to use as there are some contradictory options in the settings, I really do not understand the logic behind.

    1. Visibility. ‘Is enabled?’ ‘Only enabled tabs will be visible.’ You would expect that with this option uncrossed the tab will be hided, but it is not?

    2. Site admin only? The same for Admin visibility, even with this crossed, the tab is still visible to other users?

    3. Please explain the difference between ‘Add this tab for?’ and ‘Tab Visibility’ and how they influence each other?

    4. If ‘Add this tab for?’ is unmarked for all users, the tab is still visible. What does this option do?

    5. Why is ‘Tab Visibility’ option visible if ‘Site admin only?’ is marked?

    6. Why is the ‘Tab Visibility’ option possible if the top option ‘Only enabled tabs will be visible’ is unmarked?

    7. How is the interaction working between ‘Only enabled tabs will be visible’ is unmarked, but ‘Tab Visibility’ is marked for users? and opposite?

    8. If the option ‘Set it as default component?’ is unmarked, it also removes the custom link in the primary WP menu, how can it affect the WP menu?

    I hope these questions make sense to you, otherwise I’m happy to clarify.


  • Participant
    Level: Yogi
    Posts: 1117
    calu on #26865

    Hi Brajesh, I see now that my primary need of Tabs Creator Pro is hiding tabs, and maybe this is not what the plugin does best?

    I might just hide the tabs with css instead.

    One challenge though for both solutions, is to have the media tab visible only on other profiles than your own.
    I want users own profile to be in the WP menu only.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #26890

    HI Carsten,
    Thank you.

    I think we need to improve the text a bit.

     Only enabled tabs will be visible.

    It means to say that only enabled tabs configuration will have effect(and not the visibility, It is from the initial version where we only supported adding tabs).

    I will update that.

    2. Site admin only?

    Did you select the visibility for others too? If not, It is a bug. Itis a core feature of BuddyPress that should restrict the visibility of a tab to site admin only.

    3. Add this tab for:- On which user’s profile the tab will be available(added)

    Tab Visibility:- IF a tab is added to a user can the visitor see it. It controls who can view the tab.

    4. The default value is ‘all’. If you do not want to make it available for anyone(which will be meaningless), you should select “None”

    5. Because the settings framework we are using does not offer hiding fields on condition. I understand it is confusing and I will add a note.

    6/7. Please see 1.

    8. It has no effect on primary or WordPress menu. Most probably you have some other conflict.

    I hope it clarifies your questions.

    About the removing via the css and this plugin. There is a huge difference. The css only hides the links. You can always access the screen via direct url. This plugin removes the screen, even if you tried to access it, It will cause 404 not found.

    I think, Css may be better suited for your needs.


  • Participant
    Level: Yogi
    Posts: 1117
    calu on #26911

    Hi Brajesh

    1. Yes, that would be fine, the text as it is, is misleading.
    There are now three sections for visibility settings, ‘ Only enabled tabs will be visible.’, ‘ Is this tab visible to site admin only?’ and ‘Tab Visibility’ ( where Administrator is also represented, by the way?)
    It would be much better if these settings is gathered and explained in one section.

    2. In my opinion, this setting should of course be visible to site admin only if marked, no matter which visibility settings are set for other users, otherwise it makes no sense having this option?

    3. Maybe there are a more profound reason for having this option, but I can’t see any difference in the result of having ‘Add this tab for’ marked or not, in the end its a matter of visibility?

    8. I’m not able to recreate the issue, but will return if it occurs again.

    I have a suggestion for having an extra visibility option, ‘Not visible for Profile Owner’ in cases like mine, where I want to move all tabs about users own profile to the primary WP menu, away from the BP tabs.

    Here we have a problem with the media tab, which I want visible on other profiles, but not on users own profile.
    As it is, there are no way of achieving this, to my knowledge, as the class is the same for user profile and own profile?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by calu.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #26919

    Hi Carsten,
    Thank you.

    2. I will test and get back to you tomorrow.

    3. Yes there is. There are times when you may want a tab to be avilable on certain role’s profile and then control which visitor roles an see them.
    For example, You can make a tab 1 available on subscriber profile which is only visible to subscriber and editor using these 2 options.

    Here is a snippet that adds different css class to body depending on which profile you are viewing

    add_filter( 'body_class', function ( $classes ) {
    	if ( ! bp_is_user() ) {
    		return $classes;
    	if ( bp_is_my_profile() ) {
    		$classes [] = 'is-my-profile';
    	} else {
    		$classes [] = 'is-other-profile';
    	return $classes;
    } );

    I hope you can use it to target different profiles.


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