

Using Dynamic URL in Profile Tabs Pro

  • Participant
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    Charles Collins on #41617

    Trying to find guidance on Profile Tabs – I am trying to keep the user present within the profile page when viewing the tab page similar to viewing My Blog page stays framed inside profile page header.
    1. Created new Profile tab = My Courses
    2. Linked tab to page slug=’my-courses’
    3. Set dynamic tab link to /profile/my-courses/

    I tried adding in various ways but none worked.

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #41627

    Hello Charles,

    Thank you for using the plugin. Please use the ‘my-courses’ shortcode if offered by the plugin in the content area. Right now, there is no other solution to achieve this.

    Dynamic-link always will be redirected if the URL is not handled by BuddyPress.


  • Participant
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    Posts: 4
    Charles Collins on #41634

    I have no idea what this means Ravi. I am using YOUR plugin called BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator and Group Tabs Pro.

    WHen I create the tab I am linking to a standard page I have created inside WordPress. So I am staying within the same domain as the website. Therefore, I am thinking to use Dynamic URL field to create the link.
    1. Is dynamic URL field the best choice to use?
    2. Which shortcode parameters can I use in combination to the link to keep my user present on the profile page to display the link page below the profile page tabs?

    I am trying to achieve the same experience the user has when they select the MY BLOG tab I created with BuddyBlog Pro – the users stays present on their profile page seeing the My Blog load bleow the tabs level.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24850
    Brajesh Singh on #41640

    Hi Charles,
    Thank you for the replies.

    Dynamic link are suited for linking to other tabs in profile or other pages on the site. If you link to other pages on the site(not to another profile tab), It will open the page and you won’t see the user header as it opens the link.

    If that is clear, linking to a siote page can be achieved as following:-

    1. You can either link directly, eg. http://example.com/page-url/
    2. or you can use the following token [site-url]page-url to achieve the same effetc.

    Hope that helps.

    PS:- The experience you want to achieve can not be done via Dynamic url feature. For this, you will need to know if the courses plugin supports some shortcode for user. If they do it, you can create a tan and put that shortcode.


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