

WordPress 6.1.1 compatibility? lacking of changelog on BuddyPress Plugins


  • Participant
    Gene Keys on #49452


    We want to know if this plugins are compatible with 6.1.1

    BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro
    BuddyPress Group Tabs Creator Pro
    BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager

    Sadly none of them have a readme.txt inside of those folders and neither a changelog updated.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #49453

    Hi Gene,
    Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.

    All of the above plugins are compatible upto WordPress 6.2
    There are several reasons we do not put a readme in our plugins:-

    1. Most of our plugins do not need an update with each version of WordPress.
    2. f we use a readme, we will have to put an updated version(without any real change, just compatibility update) to 100+ plugins which is not manageable.
    3. If we put readme and do not push an update with each version of WordPress, Security plugins will start giving false positive about outdated plugin.

    In case there is a rare chance that any of WordPress update will ever break them, we take care of it during WordPress’s RC cycle.


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