

[Resolved] Working on my site – need some feedback

  • Participant
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    Erich199 on #6655


    I’m in the process of changing features of my website.

    Here is my plan and I want some feedback – if it can or can’t be done –

    Basically I would like to start hosting websites through multi site so I need to switch my current setup from a single installation to multi site.

    (1st question) – Is it possible to have a central registration page/sign up page at a subdomain account.mydomain.com? I’d like users to be able to register on my “network” and have access to any site they want but I would like for any sign up/register/login to go through this subdomain. I’d ideally like this subdomain to be only for account registration/login request and it would redirect the user to the previous site that they logged in from. If that’s not practical, then I would like it to direct them to a user dashboard – not the WP-Admin dashboard. I would ideally like to make it customized (like WPMUDEV does) if possible.

    (2nd question) – Is it possible with the bp multi site plugin to have separate buddypress instances? So for example: Site A has buddypress installed and user accounts. Site B has buddypress installed and user accounts. On Site A , I make a comment on an article and it shows up in my activity. On Site B, that activity on Site A isn’t in my activity wall. Does it work like this?

    Those are the two most pressing questions I have at this point. If I think of any new ones I’ll post.

    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Erich199.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Erich199.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #6660

    HI Joshua,
    Thank you for posting.

    1. Yes, It is possible. BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG and only enable registration on the particular sub site.

    2. yes,exactly, that is the purpose of BP Multi Network. Everything(including profile friends/friendship etc) are per Site. If you want to change that (for example you may want common profile), please do let me know.

  • Participant
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    Erich199 on #6665

    Hey Brajesh,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I’m looking at hosting people’s websites with multi sites. I’m going to utilize WPMUDEV’s Pro Sites to do this. I was told that the Pro Sites can’t work on a sub domain because it controls the creation/billing of the sub domains in the multi site. So, I’m trying to figure out a way to utilize the account.mydomain.com for all things “account” related on the network.

    Ideally I would like to have a common profile (avatar, name, password etc) network wide as well as friends network wide. The site activity streams can remain individual. It wouldn’t make sense for me to be on a site about dogs and information about cats show up on my activity stream because I’m also on a site about cats. If that make sense.

    I’m in the process currently of securing my wildcard ssl to secure the sub domains. Once that’s done I will start the process of enabling multi site and getting the site hierarchy set up.

    Thanks for your help with this and the feedback. Much appreciated.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #6679

    Hi Joshua,
    Thank you.
    Pro site is good if you are planning to charge the site owners.

    When you plan to work on the network, Please do let me know. I will provide some custom code for making profile etc common but activity as per site. Can I consider it like you only want activity to be per site based?

    All the best with the project.

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    Erich199 on #6683

    Hey Brajesh,

    Thanks for the reply. I will let you know when I get to setting it up.

    Yes at this point, I’d like the users profile and friends to be centralized and the user activity to be on a per site bases.

  • Participant
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    Erich199 on #6704

    Hi Brajesh,
    So I have my multisite set up now. I currently have the main domain https://artofwargaming.net and then the https://account.artofwargaming.net.

    For https://account.artofwargaming.net I’d like to create the homepage as a “landing page” that just has a little information about the network, and a registration/login page. I think I’ll need to create a custom login page to fit inside of my current theme. The problem I notice is when the user clicks on register, it takes them back to the main domain https://artofwargaming.net. I would like any register link to redirect the users to this subdomain https://account.artofwargaming.net.

  • Participant
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    Erich199 on #6705

    I’m also guessing that multisite must make/register users on the main domain vs having everything on the subdomain https://account.artofwargaming.net?
    I guess what I can do is use the account.artofwargaming.net subdomain a “central” place for the user login/register on the network as well as update their profile information. Hope this isn’t too confusing.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #6706

    Hi Joshua,
    Thank you for the details. I did check the site and It seems perhaps you have figured out the registration link redirection.

    Still, if you are going to use BuddyPress, if you enable BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG in bp-custom.php, the registration page will be available per site basis. I will suggest that we redirect to the accounting site if it accessed from other sites

    Hope that helps.

  • Participant
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    Erich199 on #6710

    Hi Brajesh,

    Ok I will enable BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG in the bp-custom.php file so that registration will work on each site.

    That is what I would like, for any register/login link from other sites to redirect to the account subdomain.

    Thanks again Brajesh for your help with this.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #6725

    Hi Joshua,
    I am posting the code today. If you can get the site id of the accounts sites( you can from Network ASdmin->Sites screen), Our implementation will be super easy. I will post here with a dummy id for now.

    Thank you

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