

[Resolved] Wow! Great plugin. Just one more question

  • Participant
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    Terry on #24937

    First of all, it’s pretty amazing that I can ask a question here and get an answer. Thank you for such a great plugin and great management.

    I have almost everything figured out with MediaPress.
    I have created a Gallery, and I can add txt,pdf and other types of books successfully. It works great.
    My last question is about book covers. If I link in a PDF book, or if I link in a TXT file, or any other kind of media book, the icon is always the same. I wrote a script in TCL that extracts the front cover of the PDF and saves it as a .jpg image in a different directory.
    Is there a way to have MediaPress automatically extract the PDF’s front cover and show that as the icon for the book, or is there any other way I can edit which specific icon I want to show for each specific PDF or TXT book?
    So for instance, if I go to the Gallery of PDF books that I created, all of the PDF books have the same icon. Is there a way I can edit the book covers, so that each PDF book has the actual correct book cover image, instead of the default icon?

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #24939

    Hello Terry,

    Thaank you posting. One question are you storing the extracted cover image using WordPress?. Please let me know.


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    Terry on #24942

    I have the books in ~/public_html/books and the covers in ~/public_html/books/img
    Then the website itself is in ~/public_html

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #24978

    Hi Terry,
    Thank you for sharing the details.

    1st you will need to import the images as WordPress media. Once you have done it, you can use

    mpp_update_media_cover_id($media_id, $cover_media_id);

    to set the cover for $media_id.


  • Participant
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    Terry on #25007

    Okay thank you for your support. It has been excellent!

    I have 2077 PDF books, so I will create code to extrapolate the book (PDF, TXT) covers automatically.

    For this plugin, for “Sitewide Gallery Default Views” and “Activity Media List View” and “Members Gallery Default Views” I have this all set to “List View.”

    However, the view is always Grid View.

    I have cleared the cache many times, at all levels. But I still see the view as Grid View, and a List View does not come.

    Any suggestions for this one?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25036

    Hi Terry,
    Please make sure that the list view is set for document type as the files belong to dpcument type.

    PS:- is there any chance you are using shortcode or widget for displaying the media?


  • Participant
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    Terry on #25061

    Yes, it’s a shortcode [mpp-show-gallery id=232]

    Is there a parameter like view=list ?

    I looked on the support page about this, but can’t seem to find a parameter for viewing as a List or a Table

  • Participant
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    Posts: 4
    Terry on #25062

    I got it 🙂

    [mpp-show-gallery id=232 view=list]

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #25081


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