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I have not seen the flag for a couple of days — I only just noticed the strange locations of the word ‘Report.’
I updated the buddyboss platform and theme after I saw this hoping it would fix it somehow.
I added a plugin to change emails so that they would be from my site instead of say they were from wordpress.
I changed the names of some menu items. I reordered menu items.
I added some code to try to remove categories from showing on the buddyboss blog plugin because it looked so bad. But I’m in the process of thinking I can get rid of that plugin because it has all kinds of issues. This is the code I added: {
visibility: hidden !important;
height: 0px !important;
}So maybe it is a conflict with one of the two new plugins.
I also changed Mozart’s List to mozartslist or Mozartslist in a lot of places because in emails it reads Mozart/’s List which I don’t know how to fix.
I reinstalled the buddyboss emails which fixed the problem that all of the email notifications for the private messenger were sent with the body of the text in html.
I hope I’m not leaving anything out. This is mostly what I have done in the last couple of days..
I hope this helps.
Thank you for writing.
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