


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Buddypress guy on #50354

    Hi Brajesh

    HEY ! This code works Great ! You even put the error message on it.
    It looks like fair amount of work. Thank you !

    I have some useful BP code that will replace the users profile name
    with the username. Profile names can be duplicated.—If 100 users call
    themselves ” John Doe ” a members search will find 100 John Doe.
    / Activity stream – which one made this post ?
    This code will solve that.

    —– How do I post it on code snips page ? ? ?

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Buddypress guy on #50268

    Hi Brajesh

    Here is some buddydev code I found on the web that is working on
    buddypress profile edit

    I’ve been trying to tweek it so it will work on group description edit
    — with out any luck.

    Maybe you would know how do it easy ? That way you wouldn’t
    have to write anything new.


    function buddydev_limit_xpfield_length( $validated, $values, $field ) {
    $allowed_len = 0;

    if ( $field instanceof BP_XProfile_Field_Type_Textarea ) {
    $allowed_len = 600;
    } elseif ( $field instanceof BP_XProfile_Field_Type_Textbox ) {
    $allowed_len = 300;

    if ( $allowed_len ) {
    $validated = strlen( $values ) < $allowed_len;

    return $validated;

    add_filter( ‘bp_xprofile_field_type_is_valid’, ‘buddydev_limit_xpfield_length’, 10, 3 );


    Thank you


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Buddypress guy on #50230

    Hello Brajesh
    Thank you for the response.

    For me first and second snippit limits display — but they -do- allow store

    If a user types or pastes any number of characters they are all saved.
    I pasted 100 thousand characters. After save, All of the text in the group
    description edit box was still there.

    I looked at the wordpress buddypress backend ,- / Groups list edit.
    All of the text was there It filled up 3 pages.

    Limit (truncate) description before saving would be awesome.
    something that would stop an exceeded number of characters from
    being typed or pasted beyond a set limit. Then, there is no way too
    many characters could be saved.

    The group name edit is already doing that at 100 characters, I guess
    there is a core file somewhere doing that.

    Thank you Brajesh
