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    BrianGumble on #44244

    It works! One related question…it seems that the custom.php file causes my media popup for buddypress polls to appear behind the modal for front-end post submission…do you know how I can make the media upload modal popup over the front-end submission instead of behind?

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    BrianGumble on #44159

    Yes, in this screen you will see 3 profile type options: ‘—-‘, ‘none’, and ‘practicing’. And I’d like to either remove the ‘—-‘ option from the dropdown or in my custom.php script make this option the one that cannot send replies.

    NOTE: the ‘—-‘ seems to be a default or “null” profile type which I can’t seem to remove. Ideally I would just remove it.

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    BrianGumble on #44134

    Any suggestions? Also I don’t see the Dashboard >Users>Profile Field area in my wordpress dashboard. Please let me know what I should replace the ‘none’ with in order to make the default the “‘none'”

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    BrianGumble on #44109

    No, I think I may not be clear. Sorry. Below is the bp-custom.php script ya’ll helped me to create that restricts “none” profile type’s reply comments. And my question is how to I block the “Default” option rather than the “none” option. I tried leaving it blank like (‘ ‘) and the website crashed, so…how do I do that?

    function buddydev_user_can_reply_on_comment( $can ) {
    // Replace ‘student’ with your member type.
    $is_restricted = bp_has_member_type( get_current_user_id(), ‘none’);

    if ( $is_restricted ) {
    $can = false;

    return $can;

  • Participant
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    BrianGumble on #44108

    Thank you it worked, I just added it to my file. Easy pezy.

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    BrianGumble on #44041

    Hi there,

    Everything works, I guess I just didn’t add the profile type to each user, that was the confusion.

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    BrianGumble on #43963

    Ok, thank you. And I would post this as a bp-custom.php file under the content>plugins section? Thank you.

  • Participant
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    BrianGumble on #43855

    Hi there,
    Thank you so much for the quick response! I tried the solution and it appears not to be working, but guessing it is because of Buddyboss rather than it wouldn’t work in a vaccum. So not sure what to do next