Ok i find the conflicting plugin
we use this plugin to log in to our homepage and it syncronises our discord roles to wordpress both ways.
When the plugin you made is activated the argus plugin dont work properly.
Argus looks what roles you have on discord and when you login it gives you the matched role in wordpress. when the plugin you made is activated that dont this to much work?
in worst case i could solve it in other ways
ok man thanks, i will try deactivating plugin after plugin
just tried the theme and it wasnt it
just so i understand
the user gets the role the moment he join the group, no need to log in and out again?
1 . Created BP Groups
2 . We created the new wp roles with members plugin
3 . We go into the new created group and assosiate the group with the role we createdDo you mean that we should create roles first and then the groups?
it never worked for me so ravi made this plugin
i downloaded the plugin and it still dont work
I have connected the buddy groups to WordPress roles
it should work like this
1. user x join buddy group X
2. user x gets the WordPress role associated with the buddyp groupwhen I look in a user X he doesn’t have that role even if he is member in group X
any ideas gentlemen? dont really know what more to do 🙁