Thanks for the reply (and the response to my other post). Is there any way that I can only allow non-logged in users view excerpts of the posts on the site? If they log in, they can see the full content.
I have a blog page using DIVI and it has two sections: posts by me and posts by users. For both types of posts, I only want non-logged in users to view excerpts. If they have logged in, they can click on the title and see full content.
I double checked this. It is clearer that BuddyBlog and DIVI are not compatible. If I deactivate BuddyBlog, DIVI works fine in creating DIVI-based posts. But if I enable BuddyBlog, it seems that BuddyBlog automatically disables DIVI’s functionality in creating/editing posts. Is there any way that BuddyBlog, which uses classic editor, allows DIVI to do its job? Thanks.
I sent the post. Just add more info so that you can see what it means:
Could you help me add a custom CSS code so that only administrator can use DIVI to edit posts while users can use classic editor to edit their posts? I think the problem is because both administrator (me) and BuddyBlog users are allowed to write posts, which probably disables DIVI’s full functionality.
For example, if I try to use DIVI builder to write a post, now I see codes like this. Before I installed BuddyBlog, it will lead me directly to DIVI builder (now if I enable visual DIVI builder, nothing happens; in the past, it should let me edit posts directly under DIVI) — IF I DEACTIVATE BUDDYBLOG, EVERYTHING IS BACK TO NORMAL (that is, I can use DIVI to do editing or create new posts):
<!– wp:divi/placeholder –>
[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text][/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
<!– /wp:divi/placeholder –>