


  • Participant
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    Morten Ellegaard Larsen on #49774

    I don’t want to have any of these fields in signup. I want the completion demands to kick in AFTER access granted by subscription payment. Right now it interrupts the payment flow.

    Is there any way to achieve that? Coding something isn’t an issue, but I agree with notion about be ing careull going that way.

    If I can hide the field and autofill it, that would be okay.

  • Participant
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    Posts: 3
    Morten Ellegaard Larsen on #49766

    The field is marked with (Primary), so I guess that’s why I can’t remove it from signup.
    I don’t remember choosing it to be Primary – and it’s by no means meant to an ID field.

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 3
    Morten Ellegaard Larsen on #49765

    BuddyPress – I think 🙂

    Don’t know what BP Platform is.